Friday, May 23, 2008

I'm in love with this t-shirt...

Retropolis Ladies' World Domination Society.



  1. Huh. I just found out about this site tonight, myself. Let me guess, you saw it at Schlock Mercenary as well?

  2. I noticed it over my roomie's shoulder.

    Dunno where she found it.

  3. Isn't that some of the coolest artwork ever? When I have a bigger house, I want to decorate it with retropolis stuff. I have a couple of the prints already. And my wife actually thinks they're better than my Magicians' posters (which have decorated my place since before my wife moved in)so that's good...

  4. "Better living through mindless escapism"

    What a tagline.

  5. Sounds like my life's philosophy. :)

  6. I think my favourite shirt is still a tossup between "Certified Evil Genius" and "Fraternal Order of Robotic Persons" - which is probably subtle enough to posted where I work.

  7. oooh - PRETTY! I love the forest knotwork one.

    Though .. aack! hate hate hate the right-click disabling javascript, especially with the snotty message. Note to anyone with a website: blocking your users from "Search Google for [Your Book Title]" or "Open [Your Swag Store] in a new tab" in order to keep the few folk who don't know what "Save Page As" does from using your tiny 72 dpi preview image as a desktop makes even less sense than TSA airport security theatre.

    And that's shooting pretty low right there.

    Rant over. Pretty pictures. Thanks for the link Tams. :)

  8. I would have figured you for an "ask me about my deathray"

  9. Yep. Stingray snatched that one up for me as soon as he bought it. Of course, when HE picks the style/cut, it generally winds up a lot less THERE than it would be if I'd chosen it...

    Yeah, Retropolis is as big a threat to my bank account and dresser space as Threadless is.

  10. ...Soon as he SAW it.

    For future reference, everything odd I say or do until Monday or so can generally be blamed on NyQuil.

  11. Of course, when HE picks the style/cut, it generally winds up a lot less THERE than it would be if I'd chosen it...

    I regret nothing.


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