Friday, May 09, 2008

Next they'll change the Yeoman Warders to "Tofueaters".

Rachel Lucas on the latest depressing news from the place where Great Britain used to be.


  1. I'm a Tofu eater. What's wrong with that? It tastes like chicken.



    I sure am missing your weekly posts on "The Arms Room". If you decide to make a book out of that, I would pay dearly for an autographed copy.

  2. On the other hand I think taking Beef off the menu due to "Religious Restrictions" because they are afraid of offending the Hindu's delicate sensibilities is down right treasonous.

    Aren't they the land of the "Beef Eaters" or some such shit?

    Gotdam. I'm a Vegan and I don't expect the world to stop hunting and eating meat. Live and let live heh?

    What the hell has gotten into them Limey's anyway? They just going to bend over and take it from everybody these days?

    I'm just sayin'...


  3. I always wondered what guardin' the Crown Jewels had t'do with feeding bees, anyway....

  4. Hurm. Apparently, BA's main reason for pulling beef (fnar) from the menu is more to do with rising cow prices than anything else - the "We're Doing It For The Hindus" line is just marketing.

    Doesn't help with the feeling that the whole country's got an undescended testicle, though. Hell, you should'a seen the response I just got opening the door - both salesdroids took a step back and one lead in with "before you give me a black eye..."

    I was smiling and everything. Milquetoasts everywhere. Bah. Indeed, as the word verification wossname sez, "xnlpph".

  5. Ah........... PC BS of BA.

    And "Assrot"-
    "Gotdam. I'm a Vegan and I don't expect the world to stop hunting and eating meat. Live and let live heh?"

    ....Tis good to see you have rethought your position.....

  6. Come the collapse of so-called `civilization' I'm expecting Long Pig to be the major contributer of protein to my diet. Actually, likely the major constituent of my diet.

    Never eat anything without eyes. Potatoes just make it under the wire.

    You know it makes sense.

  7. Jimbob86, I don't recall ever having a different position. Did I possibly go off on a rant I don't remember and maybe say one thing when I really meant another?


  8. "I'm a Tofu eater. What's wrong with that? It tastes like chicken."

    They must have some really sick-ass chickens where you are at. Tofu tastes like wet styrofoam to me.

  9. "assrot"-

    IIRC, the position inquestion was stated at either MattG's or Lawdogs, in the comments section last fall (again IIRC), where someone had superimposed crosshairs on a pic of a whitetail buck.......

    True, we all have said something dumb now and again.... but own it if you do.....

  10. jimbob86

    Yep, I think it was on Expert Witness. What I said and what I meant were two different things. I have never been anti-hunting as long as the hunter is not wasteful or greedy with his or her kill, for instance killing more than they need or killing for fun because they want to hang a head on the wall. I'll own that one no problem.



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