Friday, May 09, 2008

There goes the economy.

The WIRED headline reads: Motion-Capture Suits Will Spice Up Virtual Sex

Allow me to quote Dennis Miller on this one:
"Folks, the day an unemployed ironworker can sit at home in his Barcalounger with a channel clicker in one hand and a Foster's in the other and f&*k Claudia Schiffer for $19.95, it's going to make crack look like Sanka."


  1. If the bloody ton of women that chronically masturbate with increasingly heavy machinery and free internet porn filled full of under age girls (what the hell kind of parents put a computer in their 14 year old's room with a webcam or buy them a cell phone with a camera?) and middle aged girls pretending to be under age that pretty much everybody chronically masturbates to haven't been the end of our Pornocracy's economy I doubt some goofy electronic full body sock garter's gonna do it.

    Hell, somebody's got to design and produce all that crap. We don't hold the market on useful science or technology anymore, and having the "humanities" market cornered doesn't put bread on the world trade table, so might as well corner it in something. We're talking what's already a tens of billions of dollars annually business.

    "These new technologies won't instantly set off the "ZOMG it's sex!" media alarms the way Bluetooth-to-sex-toy interfaces do. These developers can position themselves as facilitators of dancing and flying and walking around, creators of new input devices rather than instigators of a whole new level of cybersex."

    Pfffft. Lets face it, in this day and age no one cares what the hell it'll be used for. Porn has infomercials, for Christ's sake.

  2. What was the Christopher Walken flick that addressed this? "Brain Drain" or some such?

  3. I sure hope it's washable. Ew.

  4. Maybe they'll figure out a way to fix it up for blog commenting...

  5. I don't care if it is washable.... there are some kinds of dirty that just don't wash off.

  6. I would imagine there would have t5o be some heavy-duty insulation to prevent electrical shock...


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