Saturday, May 03, 2008

Perhaps his political ideas are more original...

...than his blog title.

Some folks have already expressed doubt. From where I'm sitting, it looks like the doubters are right; he's put up two posts full of the same class warfare crap you can find elsewhere. Do these folks just cut and paste their schtick from some central Democrat Candidate Website, or what? (Eeevil corporations. Tax cuts for the wealthy. Yadda-yadda, yackitty-schmackitty...)

(Oh, and thanks for covering my six there, Glenn. ;) )


  1. It's not a blog! It's a Journal!

    And he didn't know you existed.

    And there is an extra word in there.

    And he's sorry, he'll change it.

    I think I'll change mine to dailykis, or hyffingtonpost.

    Or pastsecret, then there will be some advert revenue!

  2. Oh god, he wants to spend spend spend, I can only thank god he's not my problem.

  3. Trust me Tam. I've known the guy since about '85, and I can assure you his political ideas will NOT be more original than you see on his "Journal". In fact, I would just about guarentee that these postings are being drafted by some twenty-something staffer, or one of his kids. Padgett is not what you would call a strong writer. Well, that's about as nice as I could put it.


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