Monday, May 26, 2008

Some random musings on banner ads...

" - is not a dirty website.": Color me skeptical.

"Congratulations! You are the XXXXXth visitor! Click here for your free XXXX. This is not a joke!": In a perfect world, anyone who clicked on this thing would receive an instant electric shock through their mouse button of at least... well, how many volts does it take to reliably sterilize someone, anyway?

How come the banner pimping Gatlinburg, TN shows scenic shots of peaceful mountains, rather than t-shirt shops, traffic jams, tchotchke vendors, outlet malls, and go-kart tracks?


  1. Because its called "marketing." That's a business school word for telling lies.

  2. I just see ads for porch remodeling.

  3. Gatlinburg in mid-July - is from a song and from there the town went totally crazy. I was there once, long long ago when it wasn't totally tourist, but it must have been a mistake.

  4. The banner ads that always make me wonder the most are the ones that say something to the effect of "CLICK TO FIND OUT WHO HAS A CRUSH ON YOU."

    They make me daydream about a black-ops cabal of all the eighth-grade schoolgirls in America, working tirelessly to keep everyone's crushes monitored.

  5. Love Sac actually sells rather nice beanbag chairs. In a wide variety of sizes. Including extra-super-huge. I'm 6'5", and a friend of mine has one that's sufficiently large to be comfortable for even me to sleep in.

  6. My brother in law managed a love sac store for a couple years. They are extremely comfortable, and now his living room is done completely in love sacs of all sizes.

    I highly recommend a love sac.

  7. 3 words: Firefox Adblock Flashblock

    really makes the web almost bearable.

  8. Yes, but good ads and excruciatingly bad ads are two of the most enjoyable things about nearly any modern form of media.

  9. Nobody'd go to Gatliburg if they actually saw it first--well, OK, 300-lb, Spandex-wearing Midwestern women, maybe; they do now.
    I stay in Pigeon Forge every year (except this one) for the Honda Hoot in Knoxville, but I never, ever turn south. Hell, I go around to go to NC.


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