Friday, May 16, 2008

Think what you're missing!

Marko has canceled his satellite TeeWee service after some hilarious contretemps.

Just think what he's missing!
"Did time-traveling Nazis in flying saucers build the pyramids? Some scientists say ‘yes’. Next on the History Channel."
I'm beginning to think that you could take your garbage man, put him in a white lab coat on a Discovery Channel show, introduce him as the head professor of the phrenology department at Draw Tippy Turtle University, and folks will believe whatever asinine things come out of his cakehole.


  1. Um, actually, YOU were my inspiration when I opted not to bring a teewee when I jumped ship. Thus far, I have not increased my reading volume, but the naps have been glorious.

  2. And that is exactly how Guido Knopp ended up becoming a "serious authority" on the Hitler Youth. Never mind that the quality of his programs is ... uh ... let's say questionable.

  3. Did someone say "time traveling Nazis"? Will space Nazis do?

  4. Oops. I neglected to read all the comments first...

  5. One could very easily make the same argument about the interweb also known as T.V. ver 2.0!

  6. I'm beginning to think that you could take your garbage man, put him in a white lab coat on a Discovery Channel show, introduce him as the head professor of the phrenology department at Draw Tippy Turtle University, and folks will believe whatever asinine things come out of his cakehole.

    Two words, my dear: Milgram Experiment


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