Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Bringing hOpe.

"Imagine hopey-changey
it’s easy if you try

Hahahaha! That's funny right there, I don't care who you are.


  1. I was trying to say something snappy and clever about the linked lyrics' ability to hold a mirror to a candidacy with nothing worth looking at or reflecting on.

    Then, in a sort of stream-of-consciousness vibe, I looked up the lyrics to an old 60s anthem by the Grass Roots. It embodies so much of what I find repugnant in the baby boom's self-obsessed, feel-good-now, careless, thoughtless immaturity:

    Guess who has an ad at the top of the lyrics.

    Sometimes, it seems, you just don't need words.


  2. Excellent.

    Actually we just used these lyrics in an English class assignment I helped my granddaughter out with. She had to pick a song and interpret the lyrics….You’all would’ve been proud of me. I hardly even mentioned that this was a lyrical interpretation of the communist manifesto written by a socialist fellow traveler. I just stuck with the standard utopian ‘one world’ tripe. Silky ponies and fuzzy bunnies. No religious strife, no nationalistic turmoil, no greed and separation of economic classes. All the standard stuff that the schools want to hear nowadays.

    Of course, I got a little deeper. I couldn’t help myself. She certainly wouldn’t get an alternate take on this from the school.

  3. Heh - a birthday card for a friend shows a fat piggy-bank wearing a turban sitting on a mountain top, below two small piggies in turbans look up, and the big piggie says: "Remember, change comes from within."
    Oh here it is.
    I always sing it, "Imagine no John Lennon..."

  4. "You may say I’m a dreamer
    But I’m filled with hope for change
    I hope someday you’ll join me
    and there will be hopey-change"

    Oh, Christ... the way that scans is right flippin' hilarious. I'm hearing FZ/Flo & Eddy-styled whack vocal harmonies in that last line and falling down laughing.

    That's really pretty good.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. And the band played Lennon's "Imagine"
    As they prodded us onto the train
    They promised no harm
    If we would but disarm
    Now there's nothing 'tween us and the rain

  7. "'Wallll-tzing Obama
    Wallll-tzing Obaaaama
    Whooooo'll go a waaaaaltzing Oba-ma with me?'

    "And we sang, as we rode,
    To the camp inside the stadiuuuum,
    'Whooo'l go a waaaaaaltzing Oba-ma with me?'"

  8. Then in two thousand nine the dot-gov said "Son--
    "There's Hope to be hoped
    And Change to be done"
    So they came for my Chevy
    And they came for my gun
    And they shipped me to Anderson...(ville)

  9. Okay, they're out of order...

    When I was a young man I earned for myself
    And I lived the free life of a rover
    I kept and bore arms
    Ate as much as I liked
    And I drove my old Chevy all over

  10. Dangit, got it wrong the first time.

    {sung to "the politics of dancing"}

    The politics of Envy
    The politics of ooo Soak The Rich
    The politics of Class War
    Obama's policy pitch


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