Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Crack team of cybernauts, indeed...

"A crack team of cybernauts will form a rapid response internet “war room” to track and respond aggressively to online rumours that Barack Obama is unpatriotic and a Muslim."
Seems they're trolling CafePress rather than patrolling teh intarw3bz, making sure that nobody spills the beans about the fact that Obama is really a ten thousand year-old Assyrian demon that eats babies for breakfast. Or Martin Bormann in disguise, whichever.

(H/T to Tully @ Stubborn Facts.)


  1. BH'O has cybernuts?
    Oh sorry, forgot the 'a'
    My bad
    Gives him a place to spend some 'change' any way.

    Word Verification: jelaite

    Not sure what that means...
    But it sounds ominous.

  2. Must be the demon, the jawline is wrong for Bormann.

  3. I still say he looks like Lincoln. Guessing he views federal power the same, as well...

  4. Barack Haleth, son of Hama Obama is unpatriotic.

    Plenty of evidence there.

  5. I misread 'rapid' as 'rabid'. Wait, I think that's accurate.

  6. Previous post removed due to formatting errors.

    "Crack team of Cybernauts" - that's a phrase that makes me feel faintly nauseated. Also, it summons to mind legions of this guy:

    jwmvhdcj, says the word-verifier. And who am I to argue?

  7. A vicious slur on Martin Bormann.


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