Monday, June 16, 2008

I never realized it before...

But as
[f]loodwaters inundated ... the University of Iowa arts campus,
it slowly dawned on me that George W. Bush hates the artsy whitebread children of ofay midwestern farmers.

UPDATE: Great minds snark alike.


  1. I wonder how many Iowans will be living in FEMA subsidised housing 3 years from now? Depending on someone else for your livelihood means you don't have much of one.


  2. Also got the Journalism School. Bwahahahaha!

  3. I wondered when I heard about the levees if they were housing the New Orleans frogmen in spare FEMA trailers, and how they transported them to Iowa. Maybe on an aircraft carrier!

  4. Folks- there will be NO FEMA trailers in Iowa- here's how it works in the midwest:
    You allow an area to flood, then everyone takes FEMA ca$h and moves, then the area is labelled as "blighted;" you seize any property left from holdout owners via eminent domain, then "revitalize" the area with a riverboat casino. (Just my best guess on past performance of the miserable Iowa Statehouse crowd.) More $ for the state coffers, and our fiscal woes will be over- jut like they were with the lottery, the racetracks, and the last dozen casinos. Oh, wait...

  5. What did Iowa do to anger George Bush?
    Why else would he aim the Bush-Cheney-McHitlerburton weather control machine at them?
    {eyes rolling}

    Erik in Colo.


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