Monday, June 09, 2008

Look! More stuff for you to buy! VFTP Cafe.

All proceeds will go to my Widows & Orphans Fund, which I regularly embezzle for beer money.


  1. But where is the link to the stuff you said you were putting on ebay?

  2. Well, the first thing I was going to sell was a 9mm Colt factory AR magazine.

    eBay isn't cool with the 30-rd LE-marked mags, since they're unkosher in some states. I'm trying to figure out what the best way to unload it would be...

  3. It seems like the best place to unload that would be the TFL or THR classifieds.

  4. let's name the teddy bear Muhammad.

  5. If you had another color other than white, I'd buy one. Seriously.

  6. I wish I knew how to get white text on a black background, but that "O" is a separate .jpg, and I don't have any picture editing software on this Mac to remove all the white background. I suppose I could drag my Wintel box back down from the attic and do it in Paintshop Pro...

  7. They are only available in WHITE?!?!?! There are dozens of "Reverends" (Jackson, Wright, Sharpton, etc.....) that are gonna be screaming "Racism!" ......

  8. ... that "O" is a separate .jpg, and I don't have any picture editing software on this Mac to remove all the white background.

    Ask and ye shall receive, oh High Priestess of Snark...

  9. Just like a real pension fund!

  10. I knew someone would do it! That's awesome! Go for it, Tam - give the people what they

  11. Are those "American Apparel" t's?

    My "viva la Rachelucion" shirt showed up way to thin, way to soft and with a tiny neck (at least for this XL-sized, northern-European-descended ice person). Tho' the label said "XL", I blame the metrosexuals for this super-thin, super-soft t-shirt trend...

  12. I must be doing something wrong... I'm still getting the white square around the letter...

  13. Are you sure the tool you're using understands PNG files with transparency?

    I cleaned up the edge of the logo some and also posted a GIF version. The GIF version is a little less visually appealing but may work better for you.


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