Monday, June 09, 2008

Storm Drops Travel Trailer On Woman.

"...reports that a little girl in a gingham dress immediately looted her shoes are as yet unconfirmed."

Y'know, I understand it's awful. It's horrible, and it's a tragedy. Call it a character flaw that I can't read a CNN headline that says "Storm Drops Travel Trailer On Woman" without reflexively laughing. Mel Brooks once said something to the effect of "Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you walk into an open sewer and die."


  1. Whoa. I had just thought that entire thought as I saw that headline, complete with the Mel Brooks quote.

    Pardon me, miss, but do you mind not stomping around so much while you're in my head? The hiking boots are hard on my synapses.

  2. On a related note, "Trailer Park Dorothy" would be a kickass name for a band...

  3. Tam -- too true on all counts. The Mel Brooks line is a classic.

  4. Transported to a surreal landscape the young girl kills the first woman she meets then teams up with three strangers and kills again.

  5. A wise man, Mel Brooks.

    "I've been accused of vulgarity. I say that's bullshit."

  6. My mother would NEVER permit a trailer to be near enough to land on her.

  7. Sometimes headlines write alternate stories on their own. Locally, we used to have a restaurant called The Open Flame (you cooked your own steak on the, uh, open flame).

    I saw the headline in the paper that the Open Flame burned to the ground overnight and the "bound to happen" sign lit up in my mind and gave me the giggles for the rest of the day.

  8. "...reports that a little girl in a gingham dress immediately looted her shoes are as yet unconfirmed."

    What would Hillary be doing wearing gingham?


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