Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Pimpin' ain't easy...

So, you may notice down in my sidebar below my blogroll that I'm pimping a few books from Amazon. Rest assured that I did not throw darts at a catalog to decide to shill these particular choices.

The Standard Catalog of Smith & Wesson, Mauser Military Rifles of the World, and Collecting Classic Bolt Action Military Rifles are three books that stay within arm's reach of my chair at VFTP Command Central. They are among a small suite of indispensable books that I don't want to have to get out of my chair to fetch when answering questions online. If Amazon has some of the other handful of books on that shelf (and if they're still in print) I'll try and link them, too.

Reflections In A Jaundiced Eye and Parliament Of Whores are two great introductions to my literary idols and unwitting role models, Miss Florence King and P.J. O'Rourke. I can't recommend them highly enough; if this blog makes you chuckle, I owe it all to reading too much of them.

Click. Buy. Read. You'll thank me. I guarantee it.


  1. Try Google Adsense. You'll make lots more money with them than with Amazon's death of a salesman commissions.

  2. Yeah, but I actually like recommending good books to people. :o

  3. Tam, email your address to and I'll get you a copy of Mauser Bolt Rifles by Lud Olson. Should be a help with your Mauser questions.
    Larry Weeks

  4. Larry is kewl! I'm checking-out Ms. King.

  5. I see them around here quite a bit and I'm very unsure that I'd want to get any further involved (or enveloped) by the anti-gun Googleoids - Adsense or not.

  6. My one and only regret with regards to Mr. O'Rourke and Miss King is that I've already read every book they've ever published several times over.

  7. Have you read The Barbarian Princess?

    I still have Deja Reviews yet to go; I've been saving it...

  8. Hell, I've enjoyed reading your blogs as much as I've enjoyed just about any book I've ever read.

    There might be a few out there that have you beat but not by much sweetie.

    I'm still waiting on my personally autographed hardback copy of the first "Arms Room" book by Tamara. When can we expect publication on that? Hmmmm...

    You are much more talented than you give yourself credit for. This is no B.S. kiss your ass comment. You write some damn good stuff and that "Arms Room" blog would make an excellent coffee table book.

    You could hire the multi-talented "Madame Roberta X" as your agent.

    What say you?



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