Saturday, July 05, 2008

And I thought the Atlanta PD had PR problems...

While I lived there, the Atlanta Police Department often went out of its way to prove it was a real big city PD with a scandal or two. Now in my first few months here in Indy, the IMPD has come down with a very telegenic case of quis custodiet ipsos custodes, providing a bumper crop of proof that it, too, is almost ready to join the elite ranks of the LAPD or NOPD.

First, three officers get arrested for shaking down drug dealers for money and dope, then a narcotics cop sells a couple of heaters to one of his confidential informants who is also (whoops!) a felon. Now we get a patrolman and his wife running the best little whorehouse in Greenwood. Whee!


  1. I still haven't seen Training Day, did I miss something?

  2. I haven't seen it either, but it was apparently a very popular movie.

  3. My God, it's full of humans!

    Ya, I know... kinda sad. Makes us look all third-worldish, doesn't it?

  4. So...

    The cathouse is closed, then?


  5. Yeah, but the ads in NuVo (or whatever that weekly paper was) were good. (?) What a maroon.

    All The Best,
    Frank W. James

  6. And now I hope you see why private citizens must not be permitted to possess firearms.


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