Saturday, July 05, 2008

Garage sale, part deux.

Over at eBay, I am selling off another knife. This time it's a John Greco bowie. No reserve; auction ends in five days. I know someone can give it a good home.


  1. If I bought it, it would be sharpened and carried while camping just like my Randall #5 7". It is a pretty knife though.


  2. I wish you had soem normal knives to sell so I could buy one that could be used to, say, clean something smaller than a cape buffalo. Don't have a Puma White Hunter in there, or a Game Warden, do you?

  3. Ooh, pretty! Just about exactly what I've been looking for! Coffin handle, right kind of sheath... Could do with a bit more blade, but c'est la vie. I'd buy it.

    ...Only, I see you won't ship outside the US. Guess I won't be buying it then. >:( Pity. Guess I'll have to settle for a Cold Steel bowie. Not really my favorite brand, that. Would have preferred a proper knife manufacturer.

  4. FleaBay won't let me list it for shipping outside the US, I guess because they're afraid our icky used weapons might pollute more advanced nations. :(

  5. Humm... Would they object to a foreigner bidding on the knife, or just you offering overseas shipment? (I don't usually do this eBay-thing, so I am not very versed in their silly rules. I have heard about them, of course, but forgot most of it.) Assuming you would otherwise not be against sending the knife overseas, I would be rather interested in the knife.

    (Perhaps it would help if I pointed out to them that this household already has two Smith & Wesson 1911's, a bunch of US manufactured cutlery ranging from my straight razor to a SOG tomahawk, even the scope on my AK is a Trijicon. We are already polluted by American weaponry and we rather like it like this. :) No? You don't think it'd help? Even if I sent them a picture where I'd pose in front of my Jeep wielding as much of my US manufactured weaponry as I could fit on me? Hmm... Strange people, these eBay folks...)

    On a more serious, although only loosely related, note, all these shipping restrictions are beginning to be rather irritating. We are having a major drought of .45ACP ammunition in Finland, finding night sights for the aforementioned S&W1911s is a real PITA, and what sights exist, nobody seems inclined to sell them overseas. (Here's hoping Brownells will sell me some Trijicons. Three identical dots is not my favorite configuration but it would sure be much better than the stock ski ramps.) Even optics are severely restricted. Some on-line shops no longer sell anything weapon-related to Finland, citing US government regulations. No scopes, no weapon lights, not even slings. Is the idea of armed Finnish computer geeks really this scary to the US government? :p (Seems to me that a lot of folks who are heavily into firearms are in the IT field over here.)

  6. Let me know if you have any airguns sitting neglected...I'm in the middle of an obsessive buying spree.

  7. Tony,

    "Assuming you would otherwise not be against sending the knife overseas, I would be rather interested in the knife."

    If it will let you bid, I have no problem shipping to Finland.

    "Strange people, these eBay folks..."

    They're Californian; it comes with the territory. ;)

    "(Seems to me that a lot of folks who are heavily into firearms are in the IT field over here.)"

    I think all IT geeks *heart* weapons. It must be tied to the same gene or something...

  8. That would be the 'rational being' gene, would it not?

    Tam, sorry we couldn't work something out on my bike. I'm shipboard, probably won't make it home as scheduled since they can't seem to find a replacement, and so couldn't ship it to you.

  9. Love that knife, but think I should keep my wife and happy home instead. I would buy way too much of the world if I had the funds, lucky me I am not that well off. Hope that beauty finds a good home and heart.

  10. Lovely knife.

    Hope it finds a good home.

  11. Bah humbug. Shouldn't have worried about whether I can buy the knife or not - in the end, the price just got too steep for my bank account. (A very reasonable price for such a knife, I'm sure, but just a tad more than I could afford.)

    Oh well. I do hope the new owner is happy with their knife!


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