Friday, July 25, 2008


Just not feelin' it today.
Still have the lawn to mow.
At least the plumber finished quickly.
Even the CD ripping is dull this afternoon. Dipping a random handful out the box netted me some dance compilation stuff like Natural Born Techno and Countless Random Impacts, The London Symphony Orchestra playing Beatles tunes, and a best of Billy freakin' Joel collection. The only good things I've listened to today have been Holst's The Planets and the soundtrack to O Brother, Where Art Thou?
In the spirit of the former, and to provide a bit of culture 'round this dump, Tom the Impaler provided a link to this video:
Oddly, I think Henson would approve. Beethoven might, too, if you explained to him who Beaker was.


  1. "O Brother, Where Art Thou?"

    Thanks, just fired that up. Still shockingly good.

  2. O brother was single-handedly responsible for a long and productive love of traditional and alternative bluegrass that continues to this do for me. On the other hand, I had the symphonic Stones CD, and only made it through about 30 seconds before violently removing it from my CD player.

    If you have the time, check out some of Gillian Welch's stuff. She had some spots on the O Brother soundtrack, but her live work is exponentially better.

  3. damn Egyptian beer...

    That would this day for me....

  4. The wife told me about this last night, but I forgot to look it up. I love beaker.

  5. And with Holst you bring me back once again to Tomita:

  6. Thanx, Tam.

    It was the laugh I needed.

    Been dealing with Insurance Adjusters and Auto-Mobble dealers all day.

  7. My eldest picked up the habit of saying "Oh Brother!"

    My wife and I would instantly follow with "where art thou?"

    It didn't last too long. Heh.

    Great sound track. Absolutely wonderful. "In the Big Rock Candy Mountains you never change your socks / And the little streams of alcohol come a-trickling down the rocks..."

  8. Whuh!
    Thx Tam!!

  9. O Brothr is a pretty cool soundtrack, but I wish "Man of constant sorrow" wasn't literally every other track. Bluegrass musicians can't be that expensive can they?

    And I'm glad you liked Beaker, Everyone loves beaker.

  10. Poor Beaker!
    He's so born to lose.
    My puppy loved it!

  11. That was made of pure 14-karat win. My wife and boys took my Muppet Show Season One DVDs to the Outer Banks on vacation (I couldn't get away from a summer class, grumble whine snivel), so it's nice to get a fix.

  12. I think that may be the fun-est and one of the funniest things I've seen in weeks. My face hurts from the grin! Thank you for a giggle on a long hard day.



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