Friday, July 25, 2008

Speaking of "undue political influence"...

[T]he International Olympic Committee banned Iraq from competing because of what it says is the government's political interference in sports.
The pond scum at the IOC let East Bloc countries compete all through the Cold War, they let Iraqi athletes compete when they were almost wholly-owned by the dictator's kid, but now, now they're going to trash the olympic dreams of some athletes because of, well, let's face it, political influence, a topic the IOC is very familiar with.

I'm sorry for the athletes, but the IOC has finally succeeded in ruining the Olympics for me. I wouldn't tune in to watch if they brought back the pentathlon and promised me that the ghost of FloJo would be back to compete in Track & Field. Between the well-documented legacy of bribery and corruption, the history of toadying up to genocidal geriatrics, the acting like extras from a bad Dynasty re-run, and now this latest slap in the face to athletes... well, scroo'm.


  1. Unbelievable...I almost thought you were kidding at one point but there was no punch line. I'd love to see a US boycott but it certainly ain't happening in an election year.

  2. Whoa, whoa, whoa.......they rerun Dynasty? I've been wondering why bug-eyed glasses have made a comeback...

  3. I haven't watched the Olympics since Bruce Jenner.

  4. What a joke. The Olympics are far and away the most politicized sporting event in the world.

  5. This year, the Olympics are in China, where there is political interference in everyfuckingthing.

    The Olympic Committee might as well be the sports committee for the UN, as far as I'm concerned.

  6. I lost respect for the IOC when I first read about Jim Thorpe--and that was many decades ago.

    The IOC is not like booze: "It don't get better with age."


  7. I would rather watch Golf than the Olympics. The IOC is truly a sleazy Parliament of Eurowhores for sale at any price.

  8. OT You NEED to see this.

  9. It galls me severly that the U.S. gives China most favored nation status, is not boycoting secondary to human rights violations and generaly bends over for any thing the chinees want.
    If I was a conspiracy theorist I would susspect our "leaders " have sold us out. Nah that couldn't happen here?

  10. Forget the east bloc. How about letting Iraq *under* *Saddam* participate?

  11. Of course, Uday Hussein's torture of athletes that "did not live up to expectations" was just peachy, because...ok, I'm out of ideas.


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