Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Just guessing, here...

Anybody know Al Gore's whereabouts at the moment?

I'm just curious, because it dipped into the high 40s last night. In the Midwest. In July. That's usually a pretty sure indicator of the proximity of the former Veep. That or snow.


  1. He's pretty easy to track, what with that huge carbon footprint and all. Not to mention that enormous carbon buttprint.

  2. I'm pretty sure he's in Seattle now, it was in the 90s here all weekend and now it's in the 50s.

  3. Yeah, and I haven't pinpointed at what point the "global warming" bs became "climate change" bs. I imagine it was something like:

    Scientist One: "Crap! Folks are freezing their keisters off in all this unseasonably cold weather. They aren't swallowing our global warming propaganda."

    Scientist Two: "I thought about that.The weather's always changing isn't it? They can't disprove that, can they?"

    Scientist One: "You're absolutely right! What do you have in mind?"

    Scientist Two: "We'll call it climate change and keep feeding them the same crap as before but they won't be able to refute it now."

    Scientist One: "All Hail the Goracle!"

    Scientst Two: "Hail Al!"

  4. I just blogged about this. I'm freeeeeeeeezing.

  5. check your sunspots. Not a single one this morning. Have not had one for a long while.


    It is one of my standard hits every morning just like the local weather.

    As a scientist, I believe that the big ball of fire in the sky has a lot more to do with our weather then gore's hot air.

  6. Send him to NYC, it's been warm and humid as heck up here.

    I prefer a cold hell to a warm one.


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