Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Lettin' my geek flag fly.

I got a copy of one of my favorite old computer games for the Mac. Been looking for it for over a decade. Happy dances and other assorted gloating can be found here...


  1. I still have a PowerBook 145c I use once in a blue moon for games:

    * SSG's Total War! collection (especially Carriers at War and Decisive Battles of the American Civil War, but they're pretty much all good games in that set)
    * PlayMaker Football
    * Harpoon Classic

  2. You know, I had a relative who often told me of the wonders of MOO, but when I found MOO2 in a clearance bin and gave it a shot, I was disappointed. Maybe I ought to see about dredging up a copy of the original and load it into DosBox, and see if the magic comes through for me...

  3. MOOII is awful. A coaster at best.

    MOO is on quite a few "Best Games of All Time" lists.

  4. Speaking of the dawn of the computer age, I still have a copy of the DOS-based "interactive" Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy game on floppy disks. Used to play it on my PCjr.

  5. Pax,

    You had a Peanut? Cool!

    There was one neighborhood kid for whom I really loved babysitting, because his dad worked for IBM and they had a PCjr. I played the very first King's Quest on that hing... And the original Microsoft Flight Simulator!

    I remember the Hitchhiker's text adventure as being just fiendish. A lot tougher than Zork...

  6. Download the latest Firefox (Version 3). Then download "FireNes"...

    You need an internet xnextion to play, but it has all the old Nintendo Entertainment System games:

    Castlevania, SuperMario, Tetris, Contra, etc...

    Now, how did I find out about this, seeing as I dislike video games? I saw huge drops in productivity last week until I found out that my programmers were trying to beat Castlevania. I told 'em that if I could beat Castlevania without a continue, would they stop playing, at least until Fridays - and I'd order pizza?

    They agreed.

    Those fools never suspected that I was a Castlevania fucking ADDICT.

    So now, they aren't playing, productivity is soaring, and next Friday we're ordering pizza and going to see who can play guitar hero the best (I don't play that one... I just figured I'd be nice!)

    Ah, yes, the startup mentality isn't dead!

  7. And yes, I can still beat Castlevania without contine.

    (I can max out 80K points on the first level: Ph3@r my 733t 5k!llz)

  8. I really dug Halo .5 err... Marathon for the Mac in the early-mid 90's. It was light-years better than Doom and I never got why people liked Doom in the least.

    The best was installing it in the labs at my University and me and my buddies playing networked games until late at night. A LAN party before such things existed.

    OTOH, I never got into the turned based strat games.

  9. Oh, heck yeah, jose gigante! I forgot about Marathon! We conducted extensive network throughput exercises on the Macs at work after hours.

  10. Hmm... I wonder if my friend Jason still has a copy of the Star Rhoids program he wrote. Somewhere I think he still has a check from Steve Wozniak, who paid the shareware fee.

  11. If you like pretty, modern graphics, Galactic Civilizations II (by Stardock) is crystal meth to MOO's crack cocaine.


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