Friday, July 11, 2008

Seeing red...

It's an ad promoting dressing like a circus tent. The caption says: "You won't be able to stop them, but you can protect yourself. He who created you knows what's best for you!"

This just sets me off in so many ways, beyond the obvious two-way sexism that implies that women are responsible for rape and men are animals with no control over their base instincts.

If I have to wear something to protect myself, it's going to come from Milt Sparks and Springfield Armory and not Omar the Tentmaker, thank you very much, and we'll put the first part of that assertion to the test.

You know, I try to control the surge of bigotry that comes when I see stuff like this. I try not to think "Just take off and nuke the site from orbit; it's the only way to be sure..." I'm trying hard to be the shepherd, but things like this make me feel like the tyranny of evil men...

(h/t to Bitter at The Bitch Girls)


  1. You have got to stop dropping awesome quotes in your blog. First it's killer nerd references, then Tarantino are killing me here.

    Killing me with awesome.

  2. +1 to the awesomeness of the post.

    Tam has cried havoc and released the snark.

  3. So are they equating their own women to turds, because that's what the flies imply. But that makes sense though because they do treat their women like shit. Hell, they treat stray dogs better than they treat their women. So much for the "enlightened" religion.

  4. men are animals with no control over their base instincts.

    Indeed. I admit it, I enjoy looking at ladies. I entertain lascivious thoughts many times a day. It's the way (most) guys are wired.

    I take offense at those who imply that all men are beasts. Unfortunately there are enough guys out there who do not control the impulses generated by said thoughts to make the rest of us generally suspect by many.

  5. Odly enugh places with commonplace CCW use often have minimal rape.

    I don't want to ask what the rape rate is like where the beekeeper outfit is standard attire, because I know the numbers they'll give will make the VPC look credable.

    Women are beautiful things and to cover them under a tent is a crime in itself.

    Plus I'm SURE the headline "Attempted Rape halted by defensive gun use" works much better to teach men to control their more animal side....otherwise they get put down like the beasts they are!

  6. Men don't have a problem controlling themselves.

    I'm not sure about mullahs and their followers, though.

  7. Admittedly, it's hard not to be a bigot when the bigotry is so richly deserved.

    We should definitely withdraw from Iraq -- straight through Saudi Arabia. Like the man reputedly said, "Caedite eos! Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius."

    Harsh? Maybe. But it's what they'd love to do to us.

  8. Muslims are retarded dickless whiney boys scared of girls.

    Or so preaches their religion. Maybe I'm generalizing, but since every Islamic nation in the Middle East treats women like chattel and the men like idiot children, perhaps that's an issue to take up with an Imam.

    If you could find one not encouraged by his faith to lie to the offspring of pigs and monkeys.

  9. That culture sure soes suck. There are others that share a similar mentality - - it's pretty shameful to be someone who thinks that dressing like a tent or a vending machine is the way to stop rape.

    Shooting rapists dead is way better since short prison sentences don't seem to be doing it. I propose to drop them off on an island filled with starving hyena's, angry brown bears, and also venomous snakes (millions of em') - fully televised of course. Perhaps we could round up all of the CCTV camera's from DC?

  10. Screw him and the inflatable camel he rode in on. "...He who created you knows what's best for you!"
    Since sunlight causes vitamin D3 production, it must mean that nudity, or at the VERY least, bikinis are good. (I enjoy viewing women in them, anyways, so I at least know God loves ME.) The ass that created that ad deserves no such pleasures in life, and I hope he has daughters that run away and become bikini models.

  11. As always, you're made of Win, Tam.

    as fun as it would be to switch over to Autonomous mode, hit the button, and shrug off geographic sections of the planet, there's always the pleasure in listening to the furious gnashings of teeth from the Unwashed. Got to have something for entertainment these days.


  12. This ad is not remotely surprising. This really, truly is what the worldview is: women cause uncontrollable sexual impulses in men and must be themselves carefully controlled lest society collapse. There's no credit given to either gender. At all. And... it explains a lot.

    Shrinkwrapped has been writing on this for some time.

  13. Well, given the rape stats in most european countries, muslim men do indeed have serious trouble controlling their urges.

    On the other hand I'm trying to imagine what wouldn't be considered an easily concealed weapon under a burqa:

    "Yah, then she pulled out that short-barrel Barret .50 from under the burqa - that caused ALL kinds of consternation."

  14. Tam-

    This doesn't imply that all men are flies, just Muslim men.

    Just put your hijab or burka back on and everything will be okay.

  15. The Islamic attitude towards women seems to be, "She is female, and therefore I must satisfy my uncontrollable urges with regard to what the female thinks."

    This is the same culture that thinks blood feud, stoning, amputation and mass murder is justifiable.

  16. Sorry, that last post should read ..."without regard..."

  17. If I had to do a cultural critique of which is more disrespectful to women - the US culture of plastering sex all over everything and turning women into a commodity, versus the Muslim culture of trying to lock women's sexuality in a prison, I guess I'd say the Muslims are worse... but I find little to brag about when I hold a mirror up to us.

  18. alath -
    If you can't see a difference, I suggest you hie yourself over to SA and try standing on a corner wearing a pair of shorts(even if you're a guy).

  19. The tyranny of evil men...
    So you wanna kill his Big-Nosed-Ringo-Look-a-Like ass deader than fried chicken.

    And anyone who tries to put a Big Wooley wardrobe malfunction on her Extreme Tam-ness had better hope she shoots them first...

    Cos I'll sure as shit shoot them last!

  20. I don't want to ask what the rape rate is like where the beekeeper outfit is standard attire, because I know the numbers they'll give will make the VPC look credable.

    The rape rate there must be staggering, considering that a victim who comes forward is apt to be stoned to death in an arena full of thousands, thus giving a disincentive to report rapists.

    What a ghastly culture.

  21. *beep*

    *rumble, rumble, phthooonk*



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