Thursday, July 31, 2008

So far past ugly...

...that it's approaching cute from the other direction.


  1. Looking at that, it occurred to me that a collision between that and some of the grasshopper species found in western Nebraska could result in death or serious bodily harm to the driver and or passengers....... provided that thing could get up to highway speeds..........

  2. It does have a certain charm.

    Although like you say, it approaches cute from the other direction.

  3. Cute? M-maybe.

    But try gettin' laid because you drive one.

  4. Not a damn clue, and I wasted 3 hours pouring over every kei model sold in Japan and verifying that the plate was actually Japanese and not Malay or Taiwan where the wierd cars like Proton and Geely get sold.

    It REALLY brings to mind the Mazda Carol.

    NOTHING has the same design cues. The little red logo is all I have to go on, and it's not really visible.


  5. The lines at the rear door suggest the presence of some sort of detachable hatchback thingamajig.

    A colleague of mine and I were looking at the thing just now, and we speculated that there'd be so much drag produced by that big void in the back, that it could actually pull the vehicle toward the fan in a wind tunnel test.

    If that's so, it would have to be a first--purposely designing drag into the vehicle so as to contribute to the car's forward momentum.

  6. It's the occupation love child of a Kubelwagen and a Citroen!

  7. It appears to have a bigger back-seat than a Karmann Ghia, so there are romantic possibilities - sorta...

  8. Looks like a (sorta) streamlined 2CV.

  9. Would you believe ... it's been identified?


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