Friday, August 01, 2008

Be happy in your work.

Normally it's gratifying to see someone take pleasure in doing a thorough and workmanlike job. Except when their job is being a homicidal psychopath, then it's a little creepy.

Thank ghu that knives aren't illegal, because if this guy had been forced to ply his trade with a grapefruit spoon it just would have been worse for everyone all around.

(H/T to the Munchkin Wrangler.)


  1. This just goes to show, you have to watch out for those Canadians. You never know what they might do.
    Life can be hard on a fellow living up there in the North Woods.

  2. "There was no rage in him ... It was just like he was a robot or something," he added.

    Obviously this is the start of the zombie apocalypse.

  3. "My daughter dear
    Do not be concerned
    When your Canadian daddy comes near

    I work so hard
    Don't you understand?
    Making maple syrup for
    The pancakes of our land

    Do you have any idea
    What that can do to a man?
    What that can do to a man?"

    (Frank Zappa -- "Magdalena")

  4. Boy it's a good thing that guns are illegal up there, someone might have gotten hurt.

    Although in all seriousness, what the fuck has to go wrong in a person to do shit like this?

  5. He had a lead deficiency. That's what's wrong with him.

  6. How come no one beat the living gavno (that's Russian for "poop") out of the killer with a laptop case, or a suitcase, or, you know, THEIR HANDS?

    "My my, looks like someone is in a stabby mood today, we'd best decamp this autobus. Wouldn't want to interfere!"

    Looks like you can't translate "Let's roll" into Canuck.

  7. 38 bystanders. No one intervened. I weep.


  8. The "brave" behavior of the passengers? WTF? Bravely running away and holding the door shut while he finished the job?

    God save us from the sheep.

  9. “The attack continued as passengers fled the bus and waited for police...”

    That is what the cops tell them to do, after all.

    Their definition of bravery and mine are obviously quite different.

  10. This apparent ability to avoid intervening seems to be present in both our countries. I remember that report out of California where people stood around while a guy stomped a baby to death.

    What is it with these folks?

    I know there was a time when both of these acts would have brought down the wrath of the bystanders.

    Sometimes, there's not enough to have faith in your fellow.

  11. Athough (for some strange reason) nobody captured it on their cellphone someone did take some recordings of Police radio traffic:

    "He's at the back of the bus, hacking off pieces and eating it."

  12. Maybe the victim was blasting Coldplay on his headset so the killer can overhear. Being stuck listening to Coldplay on a bus ride can drive anyone insane.

  13. "Sgt Colwell said the "brave" behaviour of the passengers and driver probably prevented anyone else from being hurt."

    Run away! Run away! WTF?


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