Monday, August 18, 2008

Blog Meet stuff.

It was a grand time, as usual. Conversation was varied and esoteric, and I got to trot out my tale of getting my wisdom teeth extracted by Doogie Howser. Old Grouch, Shermlock Shomes, and RobertaX were outdoing each other in the recollection of obscure SF short stories. It was an amazingly literate and educated crowd; more than once I almost blurted out "Well, I ain't much on fancy book learnin'." Scotch Eggs were much in evidence, as were Lawnmower Ales and the house Extra Pale Ale. (They were out of the house IPA, and ordering a beer that wasn't brewed on-site when you're at a brewpub is just wrong.)

After the general meeting broke up, Brigid, RX, and I wandered the streets of Broad Ripple, found a whole store full of hippies and Birkenstocks and tofu, and strolled the Monon and the Art Center grounds for a bit. By the time the shadows started lengthening, I had become pleasantly full of good food, good beer, good conversation, and warm sunshine.

A lot of those lucky people will be doing it again next weekend, while I'm off displaying my total lack of skill and talent in front of some of the most popular writers in the gun blogosphere. It'll be awesome!


  1. Sorry I didn't make it. D:

  2. "in front of some of the most popular writers in the gun blog..."

    I can't picture more popular writers, but then I am so unaware of things beyond my ken. You will rock.

  3. Speaking of "obscure SF short stories," did you ever pick up a copy of The Science Fiction Hall of Fame Vol. 1"?

  4. " found a whole store full of hippies and Birkenstocks and tofu"

    You didn't burn it to the ground, did you?

    Because if you did, and didn't take pictures, I'm going to be very disappointed.


  5. If she didn't, I did... unfortunately, it still languishes at the bottom of my to-read stack while I slog through "The Story of Edgar Sawtelle", which at this point I am reading less because I enjoy it than because I want a REASON to tell the legions of fans on my dog forum why I didn't like it.

  6. "Speaking of "obscure SF short stories," did you ever pick up a copy of The Science Fiction Hall of Fame Vol. 1"?"

    Hellz yes I have one! I also have Volume IIa. :)


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