Saturday, August 30, 2008


Found here, thanks to here.

The local Indy cat box liner headed their piece with "Conservatives Pleased; GOP Insiders Puzzled." Yeah, Conservatives and GOP Insiders have pretty much been two separate groups for the last ten years or so...

EDIT: Couldn't figure out why my face hurts from grinning like an idiot since yesterday morning until someone on the web wrote "My God, she’s a Heinlein character come to life." Yup.


  1. So what has been on her reading list for years?

  2. Somewhere between Longcourt Phyllis and the main character in "A Bathroom Of Her Own."

    What a strange feeling... hope.

  3. Someone please make that a bumper sticker. I want it.

  4. Note that the Star piece is a Washington Post reprint.

    Fixed it for 'em:
    "Conservatives Pleased; GOP Insiders Petrified With Terror."

    The prospect of Palin giving the GOP's Washington bunch the same treatment as she gave the corrupt Republicans in Alaska makes me smile: It's not a bug, it's a feature.

    And I'm sure much of the base agrees with me.

  5. "My God, she’s a Heinlein character come to life."

    Damn skippy she is!

    "Have Dogsled Will Travel"

  6. Old Grouch: I'm not the base, and I want to see it. Heck, if it happened, I might well become the base.

    verify: 'ructoz'

    Got me some High ructoz corn seerup! Gonna make me some whiskey!

  7. Oh, wow, what a profound statement. I'm sending a link to this post to Glenn Reynolds, Tam, he's a Heinleiner himself. No guarantee he'll link it, but I'll have tried.


  8. I said that also, she is a Heinlein perfect woman, or a James Schmitz woman. Capable, shoots, beautiful, good wife and mother, and can run a state.

    Classic frontier woman. That is a role Model!!


  9. Er. Except for the red hair, I was thinking Maureen Johnson Smith, y'know, Woodie's mom. But without all the polygamy 'n' stuff.

  10. Podkayne of Alaska?

  11. The Tundra is a Harsh Mistress


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