Sunday, August 10, 2008

Internicine warfare...

Fun Tam: "I wanna go shooting!"

Dull Tam: "You've got another two loads of laundry to do, stuff to write, and the lawn ain't going to mow itself."


  1. Give in the fun side.... the laundry will go no place while you are gone.

  2. Mowing, laundry and shooting are all necessary things, now put them in order of priority, and you have a wonderful day! Yes, you will. Remember gun control is well aimed shots.

  3. Throw the laundry into the washer as you leave. Mow the lawn when you get back.

    And write me an article in your spare time, eh?

  4. Erm, shoot the laundry?

  5. Wow, I woke up to the same argument with the additional problem of shooting anything other than a .22 requiring an hour at the loading bench. grrr..


  6. Tam, Sometimes you can choose your lawn.

    Native American Seed Company sells prairie type grass seed, along with more traditional seeds and mixes, including wild flowers. Want to re-establish native prairie? Check. Want a Sun Turf mix, that grows to 10 inches and should only be mowed once a year? Check.

    Sun City in Phoenix, AZ, forbids lawns in their retirement community. Lots of white rock on black plastic, with an occasional tree or semi-boulder amongst the sidewalks.

    Me? I started out in a pasture, that was supposed to be 'virgin' prairie - never plowed. I have a clump of Johnson grass near the end of the sidewalk. It seems like a seven-foot old friend. I have a couple clumps of Big Bluestem throwing up heads, that will seen next month. Glorious, the heads are already over six feet high. I read that it was removing the Big Bluestem with it's immensely deep root system that gave way to the Dust Bowl back 70 years ago, here in Oklahoma.

    My neighbors seldom water their lawns, but they do keep the fescue and bermuda cut regular.

    A couple of the doctors at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN started a home subdivision a couple years ago - with mandatory prairie grass and no mowing allowed. Seems they find the natural motion of the grass to be soothing and therapeutic.

    Choices. I like watching the grass moving in the breeze or the rain.

  7. You just need to play Emo music at the lawn. That way it'll cut itself.

  8. Emo lawn. A marketing bonanza!

    We have native Californicated grasses, which in addition to not watering the grass, also give the ants something else to go after.

  9. You just need to play Emo music at the lawn. That way it'll cut itself.

    Perlhaqr wins the intarnets!!!1!!

  10. Facing the same here.

    I'll do the lawn now, shoot afterward, then do the laundry at night and use the dryer.

    Problem solved.

  11. Agreed. Perlhaqr wins the thread.

    Also, when I was a kid and looking forward to the perks of adulthood, like being able to have ice cream whenever I damn well wanted it, I never suspected that I would internalize my parents and start being dull all by myself. It seems like one of life's cruel jokes...

  12. You missed out, fun assorted large things that went BANG, German toys and several boxes of .45 acp.

    Next time. . .

  13. Darn tooting the lawn ain't going to mow itself!
    And those skivies are going to start stinking pretty soon.
    I say get up earlier and take care of the essentials while it is still dark and get to the range at sun up.

  14. Dull Tam better watch her mouth. Me. I wouldn't mess with Fun Tam on a bet.

  15. Some day Fun Tam is going to put a slug into Dull Tam. Dull Tam's kinda begging for it.


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