Friday, August 22, 2008

Off to a good start.

You know your day's off to a good start when it begins with having to stroll through a hotel lobby with your Louis Vuitton plastic Kroger bag of girlie toiletries that you left in the trunk of your car last night.

Blackhawk bus arrives for boarding in 70 minutes; gotta jet, y'all. More later.


  1. I think you mean the Blackhawk!!! Tactical Wheeled Mass Transit Vehiculator.

  2. I'm sure you looked very tactical.

  3. There's scene in the movie M*A*S*H where several stars are shown passing a joint. Have you ever noticed that?

    As a teen, I worried about what other teens thought about me. As an adult, I realized that teens are all too worried about themselves to even notice other teens; I rarely did.

    People probably walk through hotel lobbies all the time with all sorts of strange things. Ever notice any of them?

    Don't worry; unless you carefully call attention to yourself, everybody is too concerned with the embarrassing personal items in their own possession to notice yours.

    (Yeah, that's what I tell myself. But in practice...

    (In practice, one day I was riding my bike, when all of a sudden a girl, who looked to be about eight years old, leaned out of a second story window and hollered at me, "Hey mister! Your dick's hanging out!" I looked down, and nearly lost control when I saw she was right! Then I realized it was just the horn of my brown leather bicycle seat....)

  4. I once rolled into The Plaza with some natural sweethearts from Kentucky just after they'd won a Grammy for Best Country Performance by a Duo or Group with Vocal (1990). One of the other guys on the crew was a homie from down the holler, and I swear to god that I watched that man check in to one of the world's premier hotels with his wardrobe in a brown paper sack. Crumpled, it was. (The sack.)

    The staff were impeccable, throughout.

    Emphatically recommended, when you can swing the place.

  5. Very trendy, Tam. You're living green, recycling a plastic bag, reducing the release of toxic chemicals into the environment, and perhaps saving the life of a baby seal who might have choked on the discarded bag.

    Wow them at Blackhawk. Best wishes to you and the other blogger attendees.


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