Monday, August 11, 2008


In comments elsewhere on the web, someone complained that they didn't come here anymore because of the pointless sarcasm and condescension.

I commiserated. I mean, coming here if you don't like sarcasm and condescension would be like going to the zoo if you didn't like giraffes and monkeys.


  1. Who dosn't like monkeys! Thats un American.

  2. Did Precious Snowflake get its feelings hurt by our ... pointful sarcasm? Ohhh, how vewy vewy sad.

  3. There's a saying - I'm not sure I'm remembering it correctly, seeing how it's Monday AM and I haven't finished my coffee. It has something to do with heat and a kitchen...oh yeah, and GET OUT.

  4. Meh.

    I have a caustic, sardonic sense of humor; I've known this since grade school. It's not everybody's cup of tea.

    When I first started posting on the internet I thought "Well, I can be really bland and never piss anybody off, or I can be myself and have a good time." I'm comfortable with the choice I made.

  5. Who doesn't love sassy monkeys and wise-ass wild asses? While we're at it, here's my favorite old bar-fly joke.
    "Giraffe walks into a bar and says 'Drink up everybody. The high balls are on me!"

  6. In the immortal words of Auggie Smith.

    "I don't like Bed Bath & Beyond, I don't like what goes on in Bed Bath & Beyond, you know what I do about it? I don't got into Bed Bath & Beyond"

    Seems appropriate.

  7. Damn. I was hitting this site for the snark!

    Delicious snark, yummy snark.

    If you can't take the snark, stay off the porch.

  8. Someone has to throw the Poo.

  9. Hey, I'm an equal opportunity offender myself :)

  10. sarcastic? condescending? colorful? hilarious? yes,yes,yes,and yes...

    but pointless? quite the contrary...

    's why i'm here...


  11. There's snark here? I just read it for the recipes... >:)


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