Sunday, August 31, 2008


Will you look at this?

48 hours later and I'm still fairly squeeing with glee. I may actually get to vote for a candidate instead of against one. This feels weird... :D

(Found in comments at The Munchkin Wrangler.)

BONUS!: Sarah Palin pick retroactively makes the theme of #DNC08 “Things To Do In Denver When You’re Dead” (H/T to Random Nuclear Strikes.)


  1. Reading that thread led to P.U.M.A., a Hillary support site. From the leading post:

    Listen up Pumas, if you are in any way public as a Puma be prepared to have any and every embarrassing, disparaging, and damaging fact from your life publicized and ridiculed. If you’ve had a DUI or a speeding ticket, watch out. If you’ve had a business go bankrupt or a check bounced, watch out. If you’ve been divorced or sued, watch out. If you’ve been photographed topless or drunk, watch out. If your lights have been turned off because you couldn’t pay the bill; if your children have been in trouble or you changed your voter registration or moved — WATCH OUT. They are coming for us and they will exploit every angle they possibly can.

    Barry and gang are so, so nuanced.

  2. That's really interesting. The inner-workings of dem-think are mostly foreign to me, but it was worthwhile to read down thru every comment. Apparently I am not alone in my detestation for Rahm Emanuel and his arrogant ilk.

    Could it be that John McCain has hit a home-run here?

    Hmm. Who was it that was talking about HOPE and CHANGE? I forget his name.

  3. Welcome to the Hotel Obamania. You can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave.

    It's ironic that Karl Rove is portrayed as Asmodeus personified by the same party that has completely incorporated the Carvillian politics of personal destruction into its strategic playbook.

  4. I really, really hope that McCain/Palin win this because I'm looking forward to voting Palin in at the top spot in '12 or '16.


  5. Heh. Just saw your comment at Marko's, great minds and all.


  6. *sniff*

    Smell that?

    Schadenfreude, baybee. I may have popcorn lung by the time November rolls around.

  7. I LOVE the blue/red Obama poster with HOPE changed to NOPE.

    It's my new slogan!

  8. For more evidence of vote-changing among women, in this case women who probably don't post on the Internet, see here:

  9. You're excited to vote for McCain/Palin, now.

    I think that's something the media and the Left are missing.

    She's set Conservatives and Libertarian types on fire.

    For that reason alone, she was a great pick.

  10. Oh. My. God. I love it!!! There's the "hope" and "change" Obama's been talking about - in the form of Sarah Palin!!

  11. Hey Tam, Palin looks as good as you do with an AR-15:

  12. I confess, I'm not terribly impressed at a person changing over just 'cause she's a gal. The whole "content of their character" thing, ya know? Still, hey... who am I to turn aside a helping hand?

    Honestly... whether or not the McCain/Palin ticket wins in November, I'll be just tickled pink if Gov. Palin repeats the same performance in the national GOP as she did in the state. A housecleaning is certainly in order, and she's shown she can do that.

    Heck, let me go farther than that.. it would be WORTH an '08 loss to get the GOP back on track. Ironically - it's showing that kind of willingness to sacrifice that actually makes a win more likely.

    Kinda funny how that works.

  13. One word: "Landslide."

  14. I checked out the link.

    I kinda thought that McCain's choice might reel in some of Hillary's supporters who felt slighted by Obama and the DNC. Seems I was right.
    The minute I heard about Palin, my first thought was, "Let's see, the Party For Change picked an old white guy for VP. And the Stodgy Old Republican picked a smart, more than gutsy, family oriented, photogenic WOMAN for a running mate. Damn, can you hear the irony playing or what?" And Sarah isn't just a token female either...something that is going to play pretty strongly to a lot of Hillary supporters.

  15. Well, this does illustrate one thing:

    The Republican party is lurching Left.

    But hey, if it keeps Barry No Middle Name Obama out of the White House, I'm not going to object too strongly.

  16. jenny said:

    "Honestly... whether or not the McCain/Palin ticket wins in November, I'll be just tickled pink if Gov. Palin repeats the same performance in the national GOP as she did in the state. A housecleaning is certainly in order, and she's shown she can do that.

    Heck, let me go farther than that.. it would be WORTH an '08 loss to get the GOP back on track. Ironically - it's showing that kind of willingness to sacrifice that actually makes a win more likely. "


  17. Oh god, be prepared for a whole new breed of Troofer: According to (*ahem*) DailyKos, Sarah Palin's new baby is her grandson, not her son.

  18. I liked the pick, but I board I frequent (musician-oriented, Memphis-oriented) has the knives out. It's an interesting perspective on "the other side."

    Really, John McCain?!?

    Some choice quotes:

    It's funny to watch the Republican talking heads feign excitement about this one. Ha! That Biden vs. Palin debate is gonna be brutal.

    Talk about shooting himself in the foot! That McCain, what a wackadoodle!
    This is the best possible news Obama could have had this morning.

    day after the election headline: on-the-fence 40-50 year old female's whose life is in a dead end wins the election for mccain


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