Sunday, September 21, 2008

Awful earworms...

No thanks to my roomie, I've been wandering around singing the Menard's commercial jingle to myself. Except instead of "Save big money at Menard's", it's "Shave big monkeys at Menard's".

She apologized for the earworm, but considering that I had "Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer" stuck in my head for no adequately explicable reason during an hour-long car ride last night, I guess anything's an improvement.


  1. while backpacking through the himalayas, one gray, drizzly, cold, ugly, nasty day i was randomly alternating between "welcome to the jungle" and "she wore blue velvet". hell holds no fear for me, now.

  2. You think that's bad Tam, I've been singing that little parody of The Battle Hymn of the Republic you put on your masthead a couple of weeks ago over and over for days!

  3. Eight, sir; seven, sir;
    Six, sir; five, sir;
    Four, sir; three, sir;
    Two, sir; one!
    Tenser, said the Tensor.
    Tenser, said the Tensor.
    Tension, apprehension,
    And dissension have begun.

  4. will banish any ear worm.

    If you haven't seen it before, be sure to watch it until the video changes the pattern!

  5. My favorite part of the whole earworm is that for me, it's an eyeworm, too: the image is of one of the larger apes with a slightly bored, slightly puzzled expression , lathered up and being shaved by eager members of the public with even more lined up, money in hand, waiting their turn. Who would not shop for home-improvement supplies at an establishment offering such a treat? Don't miss it if you can!

  6. Thanks Jeffro that takes me back used to love all Melanie Safka's stuff.

  7. For me this week at work, it was alternetly the "Hokey Pokey" or "Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap".

  8. This morning I woke up with Heuy Lewis' 'The Power of Love' in my head and IT. WON'T GO. AWAY!

  9. Well, at least you didn't get into the polkas - a deliberately infections tune. You know. like "It's a small, small world, it's a world of peace, ..." or "Beer barrel polka" or "Pennsylvania Polka" (remember GroundHog Day with Bill Murray?). Or the Chicken Dance (written to amuse tourist in Germany, originally intended to portray a 'drunken duck').

    Or "John Jacob Jingleheimerschmidt, That's My Name Too!" (Whenever I go out, the people always shout, there goes John Jacob Jingleheimerschmidt, La, La, La).

    I do find, though, that some tunes can be helpful. I was helping a neighbor work cows, we had a big bull and cow that weren't interested in walking from the alley into the squeeze chute - and my singing "Aunt Jemima Pancakes, without her syrup, is like the Spring, without the Fall. In this universe, there's just one thing worse, that's no Aunt Jemima's at all." didn't work. But it took five bars of "San Antonio Rose" and the bull turned and led the cow on in. Cattle can be funny, sometimes.

  10. Alas, poor Grandma didn't just get run over...

    Submit word


    Didn't he design the hammer rowel knurling pattern on the Radom?

  11. Whenever that song is mentioned, it reminds me of a certain exchange on a certain bulletin computer board, dog's years ago.

    The time: late December.

    The set-up: Person A mis-used a certain word. Person B, a pro writer, then posted a learned and entirely accurate comment about the said mis-use.

    (You can see what's coming, can't you?)

    The punchline: Person C informs Person B that all such rules as to word usage are in abeyance for the season, seeing as how "Grammar got run over by a reindeer."

  12. And I've only got a KT Tunstall tune running through MY head.

    I suppose I should count myself lucky, eh?

    I mean, she looks a LOT better than a lathered-up monkey any day.


  13. To YOU, maybe not to another monkey...

  14. I always sang it as "save your airframe with canards" but I'm an AvGeek like that.

  15. Being a throughly evil person, as well as being in Tam's age group gives me an edge in earworm contests: I had the soundtrack to "Annie" inflicted on me at a young age, and the lyrics are seared, seared into my memory. You don't know true terror until you see a big scary biker-looking guy break into a rendition of "Tomorrow"...


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