Sunday, September 21, 2008


It's Sunday.

I shot Smith & Wesson revolvers yesterday until my trigger finger was nearly raw.

I promised myself I'd get some writing done today.


Smith & Wesson revolvers...


Hmmm... I have an idea formin' in me head...


  1. Ah, I love it when the muse works on ye...

  2. I believe I'm already on record as favoring a new Arms Room segment.
    Also, do you believe in DejaVu? Do you believe in...
    If you weren't in town for the day, shooting on the Windsor Marksmen pistol range about 4:00 P.M., you have a Doppelganger. Tallish, slender blond, pleasant, north German/Dutch/Scandihoovian facial features, knew what she was doing with that SIG.
    I was thinking "Nah, can't be, she's 900 miles too far east". Then I thought "People do fly airplanes". I finally decided it was your long lost twin rather than you, because she wasn't shooting some kind of 1911 clone. But really, the resemblance was amazing.
    I should attend more of the monthly meetings instead of paying the extra thirty bucks.

  3. I love that movie!

    "We can turn peas into beans!"

  4. Nothing quite like an afternoon spent shooting Smith & Wesson revolvers.

    Model 17 & 19 here. And no, I don't mean full- and mid- sized Glocks...


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