Tuesday, September 02, 2008

He's going to need a doctor's note.

"Hey, boss, I'm not going to be able to make it into the office today, I'm really..."

"What is it this time? Kidnapped by aliens again?"

"No, mugged by a kangaroo."

"Dammit, Johnson, I'm sick of your lame excuses!"

"No, really!"


  1. Guy calls in to work, tells the boss He won't be in. Boss demands an reason. Guy says he came down with a severe case of anal glaucoma. Boss says what's that? Guy says, Well, I just can't see my ass coming in today.

  2. Can I assume that, by seeing two blog entries since 8/31, that the second phone call about your grandpa didn't come and that he'll be sticking around a bit longer? I hope you give us some good news. I, for one, am hanging by the seat of my pants.

  3. Another one of the many reasons why I don't jog.

  4. He shoulda' had a gun. Doesn't everyone jog with a gun?

    Well, a shambok then...



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