Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I feel so stupid...

Good morning, hillbilly mouth-breathers! How are we today? Did we put our shoes on the correct feet and wipe all the drool off our faces before heading outside to plant turnips and whup our kids? Good, good.

Now go find a Democrat to help you read the rest of this post...
I wish I was smart enough to vote for Barry, but since I live out here in flyover country, it takes all my brainpower to remember which end of the spoon goes in my mouth.

Way to win me over, y'all. Not.

(H/T To Unc: "Why won't you dumb, cousin-humping rednecks vote for Obama?")


  1. The Huffington Post article that started all of this makes fun of Palin because she is a woman. The author states that Palin is hot, and his wife gave him permission to have sex with Palin on top of his Obama sheets, as long as he "wipes of Palin's tranny makeup first"

    Can you imagine the howls if Republicans were attacking Obama's race like they are attacking Palin's sex? Incredible.

    Of course, when called out for being sexist, he wrote another article, found here:

    Where he says it isn't sexist, because he does not care if Palin has a penis or a vagina. Hmmmm. He would have sex with a person who is wearing tranny makeup without regard for the sex of that person.

    Thanks for clearing that up. I am sorry for being so dumb.

  2. Condescending remarks like Biden's are a good way to alienate people who are fence-sitting; you don't get people to vote for you by insulting them.
    Which party is Biden working for?

  3. Y'know, I must be stupid. Cos I can't imagine voting for someone who thinks I'm stupid enough to vote for them.

  4. And I won't join the Huff-Po for the privilege of commenting. Judging by the comments section there's too many "members" there already.

    Another word for "member" is???

  5. i jest thank God that i hav got such a smart man as obahma to hep me unerstand the werld cuz it iz tu confuzing fer mee n hiz runin mate joe bidin sed that peepul wont vote fer obahma cuz he dont tawk like peepul frum thar naburhuds. but anyways i dont no nobude who tawks lik obhama so that meens i got to vot fer him cuz i aint ust to nobode smart lik he is. thank God fer obahma cuz he is so smart.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. That's a compelling picture. It goes a long way towards vindicating phrenology. At least they got the ears right. But which one's Biden?


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