Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I'm rubber, you're glue...

From a real live commenter at that wretched hive of scum and villainy, the HuffPo:
It's funny to see Palin and McCain talk about Obama's celebrity status, yet Palin's husband is a celebrity in Alaska and of course she is because 1 she's the governor and look at what her husband has done. It's also funny that her husband, who is not on the government payroll, sits in on meetings and gives his opinion when she's taking care of Alaskan Government business. What will he do if she's VP or even the President, sit in with other world leaders when SHE'S in a meeting with them so he can put his 2 cents in.
I guess that's only okay if the Presidential spouse is a Yalie lawyer who's a regular savant at trading cattle futures.


  1. The most irritating and harmful type of idiot is the kind who thinks he is a genius. I think that pretty well describes Seitzman and most of Barry’s supporters.

  2. Ahh...can you smell the elitism in the pasture?

  3. he might express his opinion??? Guess what? This is American, you get to do that here.

  4. hasn't anyone ever told you that if you keep reading that, you'll go blind?

  5. Sorry, too much 'splodey for me. 'Scuse me, I gotta go put some finished cattle on the futures market.

    I bet Todd Palin won't have any concerns about law firm billing files getting lost in plain sight in the Naval Observatory residence (yes, I know he isn't an attorney. It adds to their appeal). So what if he were to sit in on her meetings? I value my spouse's input. Don't see why S.P. wouldn't do the same.


  6. BAM!

    That snark is gonna leave a mark...

  7. Anyone that cleverly snarky ought to be smart enough to vote democrat?

    See? Aren't I nice? I give you something to shoot at. Woop! Woop! Woop!

  8. So would you say the same about the Hillary in the nineties?

  9. Why would this Seitzman character think this fine woman would consent to his baser needs. Or does he hold all women in such contempt. His wife included evidently. People like this do not get that there are individuals of character in the world as they can not admit there own flaws are the abnormal and not the norm. This would crush there psyche, and over inflated ego. quotes like I heard on Allen Colms a caller stated " Everyone has dirt on them its just a degree of how much". NO! NO! NO! Everyone does not have dirt. Those who have dirt on them assume everyone else does too! Haters think everyone a hater, thieves think everyones a thief, those who are corrupt think everyone is corupt. I think they are all Dems.

  10. eriko,

    "So would you say the same about the Hillary in the nineties?"

    Uh, hello? Yale lawyer? Cattle futures? Who do you think I was talking about?

  11. How's about a lawyer who gets a do-nothing job at a hospital and with a 300% raise after hubby gets elected to the Illinois Senate.

  12. Two for the price of one. Such a deal!

    I keep telling everybody, the Palin phenomena is going to make liberal heads explode. I mean, can you imagine the pressure in Paul Begala's cranial vault right now?

    Ya gotta hand it to Hillary, though. She refuses to attend partisan political events. She's limiting herself to events where only her team is present. No partisanship allowed. No, sir.


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