Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I just threw up a little bit... my mouth.

Eww, ick!


  1. There's probably a novelty market for that.

  2. Good lord almighty.

  3. Hahahaha. You know how often I used to get yelled at for drinking right form the container? New Ben and Jerry flavor- Boob Tube.

    At least Tam will finally have a way of earning money to buy that Para 9mm LTC.

    Idiots. Few diseases are spread from bovines to humans. Human to human transmission is easier, and besides- if we use the suffering of cows as an excuse to milk our women, it presents two issues:

    1 How does one become a ranch owner, and just how early do I have to get up to milk the herd?

    2 How far away are we from herds of humans for meat consumption, and where will we get veal?

  4. why stop there?

    they already suck the useful cells out of aborted children, why not grill up some of that tender meat?

    it's economical, and hey, if it saves a baby cow or two, it's a small price to pay as we bipods have no business on earth anyway.


  5. I'm thinking that if they put the photo of the "cow" on the carton, they could sell it for $1,000 and up per pint. Not that I'd buy it, but there's men that would I'm sure.

  6. The sort of thing you expect from PETA. That diet of theirs is affecting their brainpower.

  7. Just. . . wow. . . You really can't make this stuff up can you?

  8. Ewe... just ewe.

    "Hey honey, glad your parents sent you to college. Now make me mah milk, bish!"

  9. [quote]why stop there?

    they already suck the useful cells out of aborted children, why not grill up some of that tender meat?[/quote]

    A slight exaggeration, but we'll allow it for effect.

    They take useful parts out of dead folks all the time, regardless of age, and that's a subject for another discussion altogether.

    If you gotta put a dead guy's cornea in my eye while I'm asleep, that's one thing, but don't expect me to drink his sweat while I'm awake, too...

  10. The quote of the week from your link:

    And is PETA saying that women are cows? Looks like there could be a death match between PETA and NOW.

    I'd pay to watch that.

    Anyway, we're the only species that I know of that keeps drinking milk after babyhood into adult years. Just thinking of it, it is strange that we drink a hideous beast's milk and don't blink an eye, but milk from our own species, we say yuck.

    Still, I'll stick to cow milk, and will enjoy my milk & cookies (if those two ever get a divorce, I'll jump) until I die.

    Yeah, PETA would have us become Morlocks if it meant saving dumb animals *spit*.

  11. "They take useful parts out of dead folks all the time"

    yes they do, and wondrous use of science and scrap parts it is.

    cultivating a crop for the purpose of consumption is a whole 'nother kettle o' embryos, and as you point out is a subect for another day.

    careful of assuming omniscience of others' positions though; premature labelling is usually, uhh, premature.


  12. I agree. Ewwww.

    Considering how many drugs can be passed into breast milk, not to mention diseases, not a good idea. But I think PETA actually has a secret plan to wipe out the human race, so the animals will be able to run free and eat each other.

  13. Hmmmm...just remembered I have a pint of Cherry Garcia in the freezer...

    Word verification: uguvk. Roughly the sound I made when reading the article.

  14. You don't want to know what's in the yogurt.

  15. Yet another modest proposal from PETA. I would so love to sit in on one of their strategic planning sessions.

    "All in favor? Opposed? Sorry, Mary Moon, you're outvoted. Now how about a refill?"

    The Bob and Tom show had a fun time this morning coming up with new flavors for B&J's ice cream.

    Anyone who has ever milked a cow knows that there is literally no comparison between the production rates of the respective glands.

  16. Every time I think humanity is about to peg the absurd-o-meter (hippies wailing over a tree stump, for example) something like this comes along and steps it up to the next range.

    And their vote counts just as much as yours does.

  17. I understand the application lines for milkers is already around the block.

    For milkeees, not so much.

  18. Hell yeah, serve it up on a Soylent Green biscuit topped with some cinnamon whipped lactate. Good Grief!

  19. As a former farm boy, I spent many a day milking Jersey cows, and while the thought of milking the opposite sex a few times might be "titillating"... hehe... there's no substitute for a good set of udders so you can get that damn milking done cause there's other chores left to do!
    I'll stick to cows milk, thank you very much!

  20. But you can milk guys too, if you know what I mean. Bet there'd be a market for that too. Can't wait to get up in the morning to go milk now, can you? But then someone will invent a milking machine and the human race will become extinct. PETA wins!

  21. You could have great fun with the packaging though.

    Just saying

  22. You know, this will be a great way for "less fortunate" women to earn a little extra money. A lot of them are lactating a sizable percentage of the time anyway, so why not turn it into income?

    Think about it.

    They could locate the collection center next door to the Health Department's free clinic...

  23. Well dear, I'm Vegan (a tofuista as you call it) and that even makes me "throw up a little bit". I think human milk was probably fine until I was 6 months old or so but after that "Homey don't play that." comes to mind.

    I'll stick with my rice and soy milk. The ice cream made out of it is pretty good too.

    Every group has their nutjobs. Looks like PETA has more than a few.




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