Wednesday, September 03, 2008

"Nothin' gonna save you from a love that's blind...

...when you slip to the dark side you cross that line."

Caleb went and bought himself a P-16.40 Limited. As the name suggests, Para's "Limited" guns are pretty much turn-key solutions if you want to play in Limited class USPSA shooting. Along with the STI high-capacity guns, they largely dominate the class.

Wait'll I show Caleb my shiny new Brownell's catalog...


  1. I have a P-14.45 that I really like. Only down side is the price of .45 ammo.

  2. Y'know, has anybody told Caleb that if he gets a C&R, Brownell's will give him a "business" discount?

  3. Ooh! Ooh!

    Who is John Cafferty & the Beaver Brown Band, Alex?

  4. Caleb has Brownells on the binary-code equivalent of speed dial like most of us addicts, I would think. If you push him over to the dark side, Tam, the lust will cause him to post the wish list on his blog.

    It is always nice to get those stout boxes from Montezuma, IA. I need to order PMAGs ...

  5. somerled,

    I lurve Brownell's to death, but their website is one of the most awful, user-hostile experiences I've ever had. And it's hard to access in the Reading Room...

  6. I used to own a P14 Limited.It was the only 1911 I ever owned that never malfed.Todd Jarret excluded hardly anyone uses them in Limited division anymore.The S_I guns dominate nowdays.et45

  7. You're right, of course, Tam. Al Gore, father of the Internet, must have gifted the Brownells with that search feature-creature that gives me a list of 1,164 hits having no relationship to my query.

    May you find great solitude in the Roseholme reading room. Don't drop the credit card in the ...


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