Wednesday, September 03, 2008

The point escapes me...

Can anyone tell me what the Blogger's Choice Awards thingie actually signifies? Do people really get wound up about it, the way they do the Miss Dixie County Hog Calling Festival pageant? Are there bitter allegations of Dieboldesque vote-rigging if a leftist blog doesn't win "Best Political Blog"? Will Markos Moulitsas be busing people to Internet Cafes and library computers and giving them packs of Camels for their vote?



  1. that is probably how the Kostards work things. A popularity contest where the cool kids stuff the ballot boxes.

  2. Because as we all know, the Kos Kidz never left high school.

    Freshman year, at that.

  3. Hmm. I thought they were all sophomores.

  4. The elections must have been yesterday. I wondered why the liquor stores were closed.

  5. I went ahead and shilled for LawDog's nomination, because landing close to the top in a category gets more recognition for a blog.

    Think about going down to the video store, and not feeling like taking a risk, looking for Sundance and Oscar awards on the front of the box. Or, in my case, I'm working my way through the historical list of Hugo and Nebula winners, at my used book store. Saves me some time, in that someone else has vetted the slush pile. No, I don't always agree with the award choice, but (especially with books) I'm more likely to get a decent one, if there's buzz about it.

    Speaking of books, bloggers with thoughts toward publishing in dead tree format might (might) possibly find more cred when presenting their proposal to a publisher, I'm guessing, if they could show that they got a popular readership poll award.



    Hell, I dunno. ;)

  6. I have no idea how it works, Tam. I saw leading one of the categories and rapidly backed up to a chair on your porch.

    How long do you think it will be before you can put the mower in winter storage?

  7. Just so you don't feel left out. I sent you an award. Check the "e-box".
