Monday, October 27, 2008

I didn't know it was possible to like her more...

...but every new thing they try to hang on her just makes me feel better about Sarah Palin. Anybody that drives the legacy media and the bilious "progressives" this far into conniptions can't be all bad. Hell, the way they feel about her makes them seem positively ambivalent about the Shrub by comparison.

Palin's going rogue? You'd better bring a big elephant gun, baby.


  1. Elephants don't shoot back. I want to hear Sarah say "Bring it." Seems that'sm her attitude.

    Word verification: "Rumbil". As in there's gonna be one.

  2. I'm working her detail Tuesday.

  3. well, you watch out for our girl, there, p.s.c...though she's working her own details pretty well.

    what? she's got a brain and ain't afraid to use it? she won't lockstep with the goofs who have (mis)managed mccain's power points and her own debut on the national stage?

    you go, girl...palin '12!


  4. Sarah is trying to bring this deal home and doing a great job by just being herelf and of course the media can't understand the "nuance".

  5. Amazing how important the losers are that manage McCain and Bush - they don't know that Tam and Breda are watching and out here. Come to think of it, they really don't know any of us are out here, we just don't count, but we do vote. What is the cost of Obama's wardrobe? It isn't important, is it?

  6. Judging from what HE wore at the Al Smith Foundation dinner, $39.95 a night.

  7. And the correct term is "musth", silly CNN reporter.

  8. That's odd.. I thought McCain was down with the whole "someone saving you from yourself" thing.

    Gander, meet goose.

    You said you wanted someone who could shake up Washington? You got her. Welcome to your first taste. Enjoy. :)

  9. Ah, yes, I see the problem. She wont' listen to the obviously superior and much more experienced "aides" who tell her what to say/how to behave, which has worked so stunningly well for John McCain. If she keeps going like this, she'll make make him look like a doddering old RINO just a hair to the right of the Democratic Party......wait, he's already there without her help.

    I'm personally hoping she's running for President in four years, regardless of who gets it this time.

  10. YEah, seeing them all lathered up over Sarah just warms the cockroaches of my black little heart.

  11. Palin-Jindall 2012?

    Palin-Bolton 2012??

    A person shouldn't have to make a choice like that.

  12. Palin-Thompson '08... dammitalltohell.

    That ticket would have mopped the floor with Obama-Biden.

  13. About 5000 in the field house, another 2000 in overflow. Pretty Vocal Crowd. Lotta young kids there. About 20 knuckle heads across the street protesting, no big. Once the waiting line was gone they had no audience. Dropped to about 10. She's carrying the water, just hope its enough for this state. As far as protection, Nobody was going to touch her. Five of my guys got their picture taken with her. My guys come first, I shook hands with her husband. Good Joe. ;)

  14. You can tell how 'good' is Sarah, by how much hysterical invective she draws.

    Her existence alone, scares the Leftie Thundermugs into blithering hysteria, and beyond. Good.

    May the lot of them perish from an OD of hyper-heated rabbit adrenaline, foaming streams of political ectoplasm.

    JohnTheRed -- West End O' Lake Erie


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