Monday, October 27, 2008

What color is the sky in his world?

As proof that wearing one's Reynolds Wrap yarmulke too tight can cut off circulation to the parts of the brain responsible for functions higher than, say, shoe-tying, I offer the following comment left by "Terry" at Xavier's blog, from the post about Kirsten Brydum's death:
The Republican controlled CIA comitted this murder. It is easy to see if you will just open your mind.
1) the murder was a head shot several times over (very unlikely for a mugging/gang violence)
2) Kirsten was uniting the anarchist movement across the country which is a very big threat to the government being this is the key to the movement as a whole (unification in struggle). If people don't know that they are being very ignorant of class consciousness and historical struggles against any oppressor (look at slave rebellions for an example)
3) it is extremely difficult to picture Kirsten provoking any sort of violence or mugging. Anarchists are peace loving, and she had a long history of helping people.
4) this all happened within the same week of the stock market crash and $700 billion bailout plans. Capitalism was heading for a collapse and so those that are in power are very afraid right now (just watch Bush's speech:
4) this happened in the wake of another activist murder in the same week (or at least very close) who was actually saying she was being spied on before she died.
5) this is also in the same time period of a nation-wide raiding of Food Not Bombs and anarchist collectives all over the country (since before and after the RNC).
6) if you look at McCain's name you will see it's a anagram for CIA.
7) McCain is desperate to win the White house and he learned all kinds of Viet cong tricks while a prisoner.
Our government has tortured and assasinated people before. Why do you think it would be any different with this peace loving person?

It's really quite an incredible flight of fancy, and a glimpse into a truly "other" world, one where an omniscient CIA knows and cares about the existence of every campus radical, and has the time and inclination to violate its charter by rubbing them out on U.S. territory because They Matter. It's a world where muggings and murders have to be "provoked"; where predators can divine your inner thoughts and helpful intentions and are driven off by the fluffy bunny waves emanating from within you, rather than just busting a cap in your fool head and taking your bike and your stash. A world where small bands of coffee-house Anarchists have The Capitalists so scared that they send out hit teams...

The world of the conspiranoiac is a fascinating one, and it proved that the space-time continuum curves back on itself. Head way on out there to the right, on out past Fred, out even past Alex Jones, and you suddenly find yourself in the middle of Rage Against The Machine fans, looking at Cynthia McKinney from the other side.


  1. "Kirsten was uniting the anarchist movement across the country..."

    If you organize anarchists, wouldn't that destroy them? At least they'd no longer be anarchists.

  2. That just about approaches looney-bin levels of delusion. I've read (and heard) some real doozies, but few were that crazy that and didn't come from someone who wasn't wearing a straight-jacket professionally.

    Word verification: ophors

    Random string of consonants and vowels or CIA code? You be the judge...

  3. Jose,

    One would think that, no?

  4. Feh. I'd consider myself an anarchist, too, but I know better than to think the government cares. There aren't enough of us for the government to consider us a threat. Too many people out there who would rather be coddled from womb to grave for us to make much impact.

    Jose: It's a common fallacy to assume that anarchy negates voluntary cooperation. Philosophical anarchism qua anarchism is only opposed to involuntary grouping.

  5. You should try organizing a blogmeet. ;)

  6. I'm just amazed that there are so MANY like that. It's only a short jump from there to believing in the Obamessiah.

  7. "Jumbo Shrimp"
    "Well-preserved ruins"
    "Living in Cleveland"
    "Death Benefits"
    "Fun Run"
    "Growing Smaller"
    and now...
    "Anarchist Collective."


  8. Imaginary friends, imaginary enemies, it all depends upon what one needs, doesn't it?

  9. 2) Kirsten was uniting the anarchist movement across the country

    Wouldn't "united anarchists" be an oxymoron?

  10. Anarchist from San Francisco, enough said really. "Anarchists are peace loving"... I suppose one might think that since they depend upon a huge helping of peacefulness in order to survive at all in their proposed anarchist chaos, a kind of utter naivete of the basic Rules of the Road that Nature imposes by tooth and claw - "nasty, brutish, and short".

  11. Well, at risk of being repetitive - provided Terry knew Ms. Brydum I can understand thoughts along those lines - the mind comes up with all kinds of crazy stuff trying to give the death of a loved one "meaning." It's hard enough to accept that death - having to accept it was pointless and brought on largely by her own choices is harder still.

    But at some point you have to just plain be rational. Death sometimes comes in dramatic, meaningful fashion. But not often. And not this time.

    Which isn't to say that death can't still have lessons for her loved ones. But first you have to let it be what it is.

    Just like "change" - the real thing comes person to person - creeping along heart to heart. Not in grand speeches and custom seals.

  12. Of course Tam would discount this obviously well thought out and rational analysis of the hit on this activist. I mean come on! Tam is an anagram for ATM. And everyone knows ATMs are tools of our capitalist overlords. Does it get any more clear people?

  13. "6) if you look at McCain's name you will see it's a anagram for CIA."

    Ooh, that's definitely my favorite! 8)

    Although, I think that logic like that could be a sing of psychological trouble. I suppose I shouldn't laugh at the schizophrenic. But he/she is just so darn funny! :p

  14. I was laughing in that uncomfortable way where you have it in the back of your mind that this hilarity is the product of profound delusion and therefore not technically funny...

  15. It was really a useless killing on the part of the CIA. They could have just called up FEMA and gotten her a spot in one of the concentration camps they're building! >:)

  16. Anarchists, the one word summary of the phrase, "self-actuating live fire targets".

    Verification word: meness. Is this some variation on the Manswers meme?

  17. relax people. we know where "Terry" is and she's on our list. carry on.

  18. "If people don't know that they are being very ignorant of class consciousness and historical struggles against any oppressor (look at slave rebellions for an example)."

    PWOP! (MBEWS* just blew it's speaker)

    Where do these people come from?

    *Moon Bat Early Warning System

  19. "You should try organizing a blogmeet. ;)"
    No thanks, I've three cats I try to herd on occasion.

  20. the murder was a head shot several times over (very unlikely for a mugging/gang violence)'

    Uh, if they'd find it edifying, I'd be happy to email them the photo I took with my phone of the crack dealer dead one block from one of my offices about a year ago in a rougher area Dallas, and in broad daylight, at that. Mebbe it was an accident that all those shots found their way into his person from the neck up, but somehow, I doubt.

    word verification: Blysturs

  21. Or maybe he thinks that type only "busts caps" in "asses"

  22. the murder was a head shot several times over (very unlikely for a mugging/gang violence)'

    Uh, if they'd find it edifying, I'd be happy to email them the photo I took with my phone of the crack dealer dead one block from one of my offices about a year ago in a rougher area Dallas, and in broad daylight, at that. Mebbe it was an accident that all those shots found their way into his person from the neck up, but somehow, I doubt.

    Phlemgy! You just thought that was a random crack dealer. It was another target of the all powerful .gov!

  23. The CIA killed an anarchist antiwar protester?!

    GO CIA!!

    Finally, I'm getting my money worth.

  24. Sigh, anarchists have come a long way downhill since Orwell hung with them in BarTHElona.

  25. Sounds plausible to me ... evil, white, McCainiac, CIA operative hanging around the 9th Ward on a happenin' weekend night, waiting for a high-profile community activist to come out of the Howlin' Wolf dance club to retrieve her bicycle, and wasting a whole batch of covert lead shooting the girl multiple times in the head.

    Standard CIA operating procedure--it's in the declassified manual. My momma always told me everything could be pinned on the "little man from the CIA."

  26. wow, michael! what was I thinking?

  27. This story reminded me of Pippa Bacca, who was walking from Italy to Israel in a wedding dress. She was killed in Turkey, and dumped on the side of the road.

    There are dangerous places in this country and this world. If you choose to travel there, you should not be surprised if you encounter dangerous people. And no, violent criminals don't stop being violent criminals because you are singing Kumbaya. (Hard to believe anyone actually believes they would.) Confused? Take a look at these stories.

  28. I'm really tired of the CIA getting credit for the work of the North Korean commies. Have you checked your closets lately? There's probably one hiding behind your raincoat.

  29. In response to this sort of nonsense, I took a drive down to where it happened last weekend and snapped a few photos. Trust me, folks, even the CIA knows better than to go down there at night. This is a very bad neighborhood. Only one house on the block showed signs of being lived in. All the others were either abandoned or gone entirely. Montegut St. (which is what I suspect to be the street she was traveling on under my "Tangled Up In Blue" theory) was barely passable in my pick-up.

    The pics are at the Gun Counter Forum.

  30. "But at some point you have to just plain be rational."

    You wish.

    Says who?

    Or else what?

    If my life is boring, isn't it my right to indulge in fantasies about how I'm being pursued by super powerful, dark forces because of my super duper significance in the world?

    Yes, I believe it is. So no, we don't have to just plain be rational. -- Lyle


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