Friday, October 10, 2008

If I didn't know better...

...I'd think that the legacy media was trying to stir up a depression, just to have something juicy to report.

EDIT: Another primer on zomg we're all gonna die!!!


  1. How terribly cynical of you!

    The closest we'll get to a Great Depression this year is in early November when Hurricane Bradley hits the polls.

  2. Look at it this way... when the "where's my retirement" bubble hits in another ten years or so, we'll all have lots of practice in reading doom stories.

    ... or in dumpster diving. One of the two. :)

  3. It's gonna suck when the cat and I are wrestling for that last can of Friskies in the cabinet. She doesn't fight fair at all.

  4. Something to report, or something to blame on bush?


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