Thursday, October 09, 2008

Oo-ooh, that smell! Can't you smell that smell?

The smell of corruption, that is.

Here in sunny Marion County, where the county clerk is about to be investigated for voter fraud, we have 105% of our eligible voters all registered to vote!


From the legacy media on down to your block captain, the fix is in on this one, kids. With McCain apparently trying about as hard to win as the 1919 White Sox, I'm starting to get a'feared that I know who my next President is going to be.


  1. Sounds like you've got a zombie infestation. I'd stock up on .308 and .45, personally.

  2. 'cause, yanno, the FIRST thing Tam wants in the morning is a caliber war on one of her political posts.

  3. I have to agree. Not with the caliber war... Frankly, if it ain't at least .45-70, you're a panzy.

    But yeah... We are getting railroaded with a Marxist president and a socialist congress. The states have no rights to speak of left. And at least 50% of the US population couldn't care less.

    Things are going to go sideways FAST kids. Very fast.

  4. I dunno...I am hoping that John Zogby knows what he is talking about.

    Zogby, one of the few pollsters that halfway knows what he is talking about, said recently that he expects this election to be a repeat of 1980, when Carter led in the polls right up to the weekend before the election; then over that weekend people decided they were comfortable with Reagan, the dam broke, and the rest is history.

    We can hope he is right.

  5. Rumor has it that those bastards at ACORN (who have been working double-secret overtime in the graveyards in many states) will be staring down the barrel of a RICO suit soon.

  6. yeah, unfortunately rr ain't on the ticket this time...or is (s)he?

    turn that mother upside down, and mccain would make a great veep...he and biden are 2psnapod cancelling each other out, and palin could be reagan in vagina'd reincarnation.

    "reagan in a skirt" somebody said...yeah, that might work.

    alternatively, God i miss billary...if msm, academia, and hollywood insist on a dem, at least hillnbill might deliver another four or eight years of benign neglect-far preferable to the activism that comes packaged with the "o's".

    and many years of observing and dealing with law enforcement at every level allowed my anecdotal confirmation of the old cop adage that "the bigger the gun the smaller the d--k"...give me a 10/22, an mkll, a zillion rounds of .22lr., and bring on them f'n zombies.


  7. I'm awaiting a magical transformation; Dissent becomes not the highest form of patriotism, but the fevered and traitorous ramblings of an extremist fringe.

  8. Four years of the new Dear Leader on TV might be more than I can take...

  9. Remember kids, vote early! and vote often!

  10. 7.62x45 is the best anti-zombie round.

  11. Sounds like the "community organizers" have been busy. I wonder if they're spreading Hope and Change™ also?

  12. And every 3 years I hear all the bitching and whining about how only 30% of those eligible vote, and it's a shame, and a tragedy, and we need to spend some (government, natch) money to fix it.

    And here you show me not just 100, bot 105%!

    I think we need to find the 30% whiners and let them chew on "dem" apples for a while.

  13. My mother hasn't voted in our precinct since she moved in February 2006 -- and has re-registered in her new precinct -- but she still shows up on our precinct roll every time we go to vote.

    What worries me is that now that the Dems are running the Clerk's office, somebody is going to vote her registration in our precinct, and we'll never even know about it.

    There needs to be a better system such that you can only register once. If BMV can hand out motor-voter registration forms and free state IDs to the poor and indignant (er...I mean, "indigent"), maybe BMV should also be handling state-wide voter registration. The way things are improving at BMV, they'd do a far better job than the Marion County Election Board.

  14. Of course, if any effort is made to correct this, there will be a lawsuit on behalf of the nonexistent 5% of voters who were "disenfranchised."

  15. This whole affair just makes me want to piss on the election (which I was quite willing to do for most of the last 3-odd years, anyway), and start in with the throat slitting.

    Anyone who comes to my front door looking for vote-gettin' this-and-that is probably going to get beaten to death in my front lawn.

  16. I hate to say it, but I'm expecting at least an attempt at the same scam they ran here in Washington in the 2004 gubernatorial election.

    Hell, it almost seems like it was a test to see if they could get away with it. Since they did, and the Socialists are always trying to get one over, of course they'll try again.

    Okay, that sounded a bit paranoid. Maybe the two are not directly connected, but surely I'm not the only one to suspect they're related.

  17. Well, the ACORN folks turned in 2000 voter apps in Lake County, to have 1100 of them rejected.

    The county GOP chairman sued to keep satellite early voting centers in Gary, Hammond, and East Chicago from opening, and he's called a racist.

    I voted early yesterday, and was there with a dozen other early voters - it usually is a lonely experience, and I never stood in line to vote early before. Usually, they have one forlorn card table with a drape on it for this, but this time they had five electronic voting boxes.

    Lake County has historically been a corrupt cesspool (they taught Daley and Blago how to do it), but damn, how about at least a little shame and under the tableness about it?

    want to see what I'm talking about? go see or

  18. Dam... You Hoosiers are trying to out-do a Chicago election. Early and often.

  19. i have a resident who waits tables at a strip club in town. She came into my office yesterday with two voter registration cards, identical in every way. She's 51, and apparently has never voted before. I said, "oh, you're getting politically active, eh?" she said "Yeah, we need to vote those old white *expletive*s out of office." I asked where she'd registered, and she said the girl who did makeup at the club had gotten five other girls signed up to vote, that she had the paperwork with her. I asked if they were all voting for BO, and she said "yeah, she wouldn't let them sign up unless they agreed to vote for Obama."

    I feel comforted.

  20. They're stickin' it to da mon. The last two elections were rigged against them. They've been exploited by the wealthy few. The pain be tricklin' up now. They're not going to play by rules they've been told were adopted to oppress them.

    There nothing new about this "change". It just class-warfare rhetoric that hasn't evolved much for more than a century.

  21. I sent a link of this article to an old Army buddy who is a retired lawyer in Indianapolis and usually and active Democrat who now hates Obama a bit more than McCain.

    He emailed back that this was all news to him. I sounds as if local coverage might be a little scarce up in Indiana. 105% is doing a great job of turning out the vote, huh?


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