Friday, October 24, 2008

Need proof that hippies are culturally illiterate... well as being somewhat thick?

Well, given an assumption of a tiny bit of cultural literacy and an ear for the euphonious, this poster should have said "Girls say yes to boys who say O."

Although the type of girl who would say "yes" for such an inane reason could probably manage the difficult feat of boring a nineteen year old boy to tears in bed by describing, in all its glory, Obama's tax plan while junior is tryin' to get jiggy wit' it. Bear in mind that these are the people who are immensely in favor of sex ed in public schools and, from what I remember, only the government could come up with a movie about sex that would act as a soporific to a room full of high schoolers.


  1. It's a reasonable extrapolation of Barry's political philosophy:

    From each according to their abilities, to each according to their needs.

    And young men have very strong needs.

  2. And, of course, a certain percentage of boys will say anything to get a girl to say "yes"...

  3. Oh. Before clicking on it, I thought the "O" in your link referred to something quite different yet desirable. My bad for not reading thoroughly enough!

  4. Hippies like to shop at Who knew? I thought they eschewed credit cards, bathing and materialism!

  5. "Boys say no to girls who say yes to boys who say O."

  6. "Oh, sure baby, I totally voted for Obama. Uh hunh, of course I love you. What was your name again?"

    Verify: ARIES! (The ram. ;) )

  7. You had sex education? All I got was Lung Cancer operations, and I started smoking anyway. Don't know what would have happened with a real sex education course to steer me straight...

  8. {shaking head}

    I have to quote Calvin here: "Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us"


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