Tuesday, October 07, 2008

The Plan Is Working:

After bombarding her with "We're All Gonna Die!" financial news round the clock for months, the media stuck a mic in the face of an underemployed Georgia woman and she burst into tears.

Unfortunately, she did not punch the reporter or anything.

Panicked people, however, tend to vote for Hopeychangey.


  1. Something's not right with Shanika. I have two friends who just got out of nursing school, and they both have jobs. I think the problem isn't the economy, i think it's Shanika.

    I just had to say that one more time.

  2. Notice that every single article generated by the media on the financial situation has the words "meltdown", "crisis", and "foreclosure".

    Nevermind the facts, let's roll with emotion!

    The media doesn't want the financial system to stabilize and solve the problems on its own, as would happen if it was left alone. No, they got their bailout, and continue to try to wreck the financial system...and blame it on Bush. All part of the plan to put Obama in office...fear is a favorite tactic...

  3. I agree with Jayson. I work in healthcare and don't know any nurses that work less than an average 42 hr week.

  4. I find it hard to believe that with the years long shortage of health care workers, a nurse couldn't find a job. And working at Red Lobster?? Sheesh. Nothing wrong with being a waitress/waiter, but people with vocational/technical training can usually do better.

  5. Nursing jobs are widely available where I live, a vast hour and a half away from Ms Ross. I too find it curious that she's slinging hash.

    Perhaps someone who knows her will let us know more...


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