Friday, October 10, 2008

Random musing on identity politics...

I will be so happy when everyone on earth is a sort of medium-beige, Tiger Woods-y hue so that we can stop worrying about race and unite to persecute those sinister left-handers.



Alan said...

Just wait until the left handers rise up and demand accommodation under the ADA.

You thought wheel chair ramps were expensive? Just wait until EVERYTHING has to be redesigned.

Left handers, arise! Throw off the chains or right handed oppression.

JT said...

those sinister left-handers.

Interesting choice of words, considering that we get our words 'sinister' and 'dexterity' from the Latin words for 'left' and 'right', respectively. Way back in the day they actually thought that left-handers were bad folks 'cause there were so few around.

New Jovian Thunderbolt said...

They'll make us sew little yellow L's on all our clothes.

How's THAT for hyperbole?!1

Tam said...


"Interesting choice of words"

And, as you probably surmised, not at all coincidental. ;)

Ken said...

What, are you left-handed too?

That's why I like SAAs -- the loading gate is where it ought to be. I want to get a K31 and the LH conversion kit for the bolt.

Oddly, my wife is left-handed too. Our sons? Right-handed, both of 'em. Go fig.

Anonymous said...

" that we can stop worrying about race and unite to persecute..."

I'm pretty confident that religious differences will re-divide us, thus insuring my safety.

Weetabix said...

I can't wait to persecute some star-belly Sneetches.

Anonymous said...

Way to handle the matter with dexterity, Tam.

Ambulance Driver said...

Damn, JT beat me to it.

I, however, am dexterous. ;)

Jenny said...

Ahh..... but are you a left-eyed left hander or one of those Uncle Tom right-eyed left handers?

The nerve of some people.. you're destroying the Cause, man... splitter.


Anonymous said...

So you probably know why staircases in old castles tend to spiral clockwise going up.

Tam said...

Having done only a limited amount of sword-and-shield work, if I was the defender, wouldn't I want my shield side towards the wall so that my swing was unhampered by masonry?

Anonymous said...

Yes, you want your swing unhampered by masonry. The spiral is designed with the outer wall conforming to the swing of the defenders, while the attackers get all hung up on the central pillar. OTOH, it also leaves the attackers shield hannging out in space where the various polearms can be used to immobilize it so that other pole arms can do nasty pokey things to the attacker.

Of course I have had some choice things to say about castle designers as I have navigated my 6'2" 230# body up, and down, the aforementioned stairwells. Not to mention the short doorways, etc... which were designed to put an attacker in a disadvantageous position. I have of course wondered just how they got the furniture in and out of said structures.

George Groot said...

When they come to take the guns of left handers, they'll have to take them from my cold left hand...

theirritablearchitect said...

"will be so happy when everyone on earth is a sort of medium-beige, Tiger Woods-y hue..."

Reminds me of Trainspotting. Renton, upon observing the strange courtship bullshit associated with the unending quest of people trying to get a shag from the opposite sex says, "One thousand years from now there'll be no guys and no girls, just wankers. Sounds great to me."

Anonymous said...

In anticipation of that glorious day, I give you the PFLL, the People's Front for the Liberation of Lefties, aka, the Piffles.

What happened to the Popular Front, you ask? He's over there.


Johnny said...

Your secret shame is out Tam - you're a leftie.*

* a synonym for socialist here in the UK.

Johnny said...

...or is that `leftist'? (Same connotation to socialism applies.)

Easily Lost said...

My son is a north paw, my daughter is a south paw and I'm ambidextrous, guess my family alone would screw everything up :D

Assrot said...

Me too! When you get done with the left-handers, you can start on us ambidextrous folks.

I'm a switch hitter at everything except sex. Sorry but I have to draw the line somewhere. I'm strictly hetero. No root smooching from this old soldier.

