Thursday, October 23, 2008

Tried. Tested. Proven. And 50ft Tall.

McCain has warned that if The chOsen One is elected, he will be tested by America's enemies, and the callow youth will probably get an F. Or at least a D minus.
Enemies would not similarly challenge McCain, he said, because he's already been tried.

"They know I've been tested," he said. "They know I've been tested. I've been tested many times."
They also, McCain went on to point out, know that McCain has a 50-foot tall robotic battle armor exoskeleton, which Obama most certainly does not, and that he's not afraid to use it.


  1. Actually, I think it's not so much that he's been tested that it's he's going to go crazy and start blowing up things very, very quickly if tested. Possibly while singing.

  2. As a matter of foreign policy, what is the better reputation to have?

    1: "He's willing to negotiate without any kind of preconditions. You have a stated national policy of exterminating Jews? He'll negoitate with you on that. Want to destroy America? He'll negotiate with you on that."

    2: "Dude is crazy, man. Whatever you do, don't make him mad, 'cause no telling what he will do."

  3. I suppose it would be churlish to point out that Teh Fr3d!z0rd didn't need a 50-foot robot exoskeleton, being 12 stories tall and made of radiation. ;-)


  4. Oh, dear Vishnu, what I wouldn't give for a chance to pull a lever marked "Thompson/Palin"...

  5. reagan/palin...'nough to make a middle aged guy swoon...


    word ver: joethede...joe the demented plumber? defiant plumber? dead plumber?

  6. And in addition to the 50 foot exoskeleton he has a 50 foot running mate:

  7. Congratulations. You've irrigated at least one set of sinuses with beverage. There's your check mark for the day.

  8. Twas Biden raised the subject of executive tests coming for "Senator Government," also known as the Obamessiah.

    McCain merely was responding to questions about Biden's insistence that his partner in crime has a "spine of steel," which detail perhaps explains some of the odd postures Obama has adopted during the campaign.

  9. Palin/Thompson for me.

    Fred's job will be to glare those senators into submission.

    Ted Nugent for Director of Homeland Security.

    And Chuck Norris for White House Press Secretary.

    Word verification of the day is "strag". I'm not sure what it is but it sounds fairly dangerous


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