Tuesday, November 25, 2008

...and to the republic, for Richard Stands...

I made a 32 out of 33 on the "civic literacy" test that's going around, apparently leaving me overqualified for elected office...


  1. Damn, I scored 75.76%. I think I did pretty well considering I never was strong in history. But at least I scored way higher than those who are supposed to be working for us.

  2. So...what tripped you up?

    For me it was the Lincoln-Douglas Debates (I said expansion of slavery) and the one about equal taxes and spending (I said no debt).

  3. Wolfwood,

    #33; I said "No Debt".

    The Lincoln-Douglas debates were about the expansion of slavery into new territories... That's what I answered and it graded it right.

  4. It is interesting that the stated average score has been going up since I took this over a week ago. Could it be that conservatives are taking up the challenge?

  5. Anonymous,

    Possibly, but it's just as likely that people are googling the answers.

    Oh, 31 of 33 here, no cheating.

  6. Why would anybody cheat? It's not a particularly difficult test.

  7. Tam,

    Hmm...maybe I said "morality of slavery," then. Apparently I guessed wrong, remembering only "Lincoln-Douglas = Slavery stuff" not being specific enough.

    As for the other one, I guess "no debt" can be true, but the "average" answer always is

  8. You beat me by one. I missed #s 29 & 33. Like my own students, I thought some of the questions were poorly worded. At least they confused me. I wish everyone who votes could score 90+% on this quiz. I don't think we'd be electing many Messiahs to the presidency then.

  9. @anon 6:56

    Slashdot linked it Friday.

  10. 96.97%

    I missed #8 about Roosevelt's threat when the Supreme Court ruled parts of the New Deal unconstitutional. I didn't know that one, so I guessed the override.

  11. Why would anyone cheat? Some people will always cheat if they can.

  12. 31 of 33...in a big hurry. I'll take it.

  13. I missed the FDR override of the new deal, all of the options sounded like things FDR would have done. I also missed the Gettysburg address, not sure why as the language should have tipped me off.

    So, 31/33.

  14. 32 of 33. Yeah, I missed number 33. I didn't see any correct answer, so I decided that debt meant deficit. I still disagree with their answer.

  15. 96%

    I missed the one about the Gettysburg Address.

    Per #33, the deficit for that year would be zero.

    Some of the questions assume a Keynesian viewpoint on economics.

  16. 33 was my downfall, and also that of at least one other person whom I know. But I would say that two other questions at least were poorly written, since each arguably had two correct answers as they stand.

  17. You answered 31 out of 33 correctly — 93.94 %

    Well, I can live with that. Guess my parents didn't waste all that money on tuition after all.

  18. Missed 1 - another victim of #33

  19. 31 of 33.

    I missed 33 and the question about how a government would act in a recession. Mainly because I took Obama at his word.


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