Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Om mani padme burn in hell...

Apparently a fatwa has been declared against... yoga?

Could granola be next? Or aromatherapy? Pilates, maybe?

(H/T to Barefoot Clown.)


  1. Actually, this fatwa does make some sense. Yoga is a Hindu religious physical and mental discipline, sure, it is frequently watered down here in the US, but a bunch of clerics telling their adherents not to engage in the practices of a different religion isn't that out there.

    Would you be shocked by a Catholic Bishop asking his parishioners not to pray to Zeus? A Rabbi scolding some students for praying the rosary?

    Hell, I'd like to commend the Muslim clerics here for their respect for Hindu beliefs. Yoga is not just trendy new aerobics.

    Yogic spiritual teachings and goals such as annihilation of self and uniting of a human with God is not consistent with Islamic philosophy and faith, and is the centerpiece of yoga and Hinduism.

    Unlike the millions of inditos in the US who try to combine yoga, ying-yangs, angels, crystals, totem animals, and lord xenu into some mishmash of utter nonsense.

  2. Dude, don't mock Xenu here! You want to get us sued?


  3. Technically speaking, I wasn't mocking Lord Xenu®, or even Scientologists®...

    God help me, I was actully sticking up for them. And hindus. And fatwas.

    Gah! I've got to go cling to my gun and my Bible now.

  4. Okay, this seem way out there by most of you, but it's my belief that PETA is an offshoot of radical Hinduism. The same with Vegetarianism.

    I just like to look underneath the curtain on any 'movement' and this to me is what I'm seeing.

    All The Best,
    Frank W. James

  5. Eh, Christians aren't all that thrilled about Pilates; this could be an ecumenical opportunity for Islam if it plays its cards right.

  6. "Yogic spiritual teachings and goals such as annihilation of self and uniting of a human with God is not consistent with Islamic philosophy and faith, and is the centerpiece of yoga".....

    Really? ..... um ....... err... "annilhiation of self" and meeting God.... seems that all these Suicide Bombers have just that in mind..... there should be some kind of synergy there, I'm thinkin' ......

  7. Just wait 'till Gomez Addams hears about this. He'll get the Zen Yogi Society fired up for sure.

  8. We don' need no stinkin' Pilates. The Indian navy has them under control now. Or the Thai trawlers either, apparently.


  9. I'm assuming you follow Pat Condell on YouTube. If you don't... do.

  10. Pilates...but who will fly our planes?!?



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