Friday, November 21, 2008

Bless Al Gore and his mighty tubes of internets!

How did misanthropes ever manage to get any holiday shopping done before the invention of teh intarw3bz?

Plus, hooray for all the cute little micro boutiques made possible by eCommerce! Without the internet, how would you ever be able to find socks knit from the fur of long-haired chihuahuas by blind nuns in Lichtenstein, or hand-painted faux-Brady Bunch lunch boxes made out of recycled Spam cans and filled with green M&M's?


  1. Umm. I hate to ask, but .. do you have a link for the lunch boxes? I think my cat would like the green M&M's.

    And I could use the lunch box as a display for my VHS tape of "Little Sister". Just kidding. But really. I'll send a picture.

  2. A true misanthrope doesn't need to do holiday shopping, because he doesn't like anyone enough to buy a present for them.

  3. I hate people, but there are a couple of persons I like okay. ;)

  4. Anatomically correct, life size chocolate or red gummi hearts!

    No, wait, I'm two months early for those...

    Submit word immemsaab: The Viceroy's very large wife...


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