Friday, November 21, 2008

Unusual sphincter control.

The Seattle Pravda managed to do a blurb on National Ammo Day with only the tiniest squirt of PSH.
While many gun owners are preparing to part with their cash, a Washington CeaseFire spokeswoman said the day should have a different emphasis.

"As we approach Thanksgiving, we would better benefit from responsible firearms owners reminding the public of the importance of safe firearm storage," group executive director Kristen Comer said.

Maybe we could steal a march on this hand-wringer and have a National Four Rules Day, too. On second thought, every day is Four Rules Day. Having a special day for gun safety would be as dumb as having a special day for not driving into telephone poles.


  1. All sarcasm aside, that is probably the most rational statement I've ever heard from a member of CeaseFire.

  2. Maybe the Sandinistas over at Washington CeaseFire "would better benefit reminding the public" of the colossal failure of gun free zones in protecting the population, and what the true purpose of the second amendment is.

    Yeah that may happen..........

  3. "Having a special day for gun safety would be as dumb as having a special day for not driving into telephone poles."

    Yep, but if it saves even ONE moron from himself, even (which is highly likely)temporarily, isn't it worth setting aside a special day, nay, setting up a whole new Federal bureaucracy? I thought not, too.

    CeaseFire- idn't that where they pay local thugs to stop killing each other?

    At a presentation to the Omaha City Council by CeaseFire, a "violence interupter" got up and started his remarks by saying "If you do something you love, you'll never work a day in your life." I'm guessin' this dude loves to hang out with his homeys and get paid for it..... As I understood it, his credentials were that he had been a drug dealer, had shot some of his competitors, and managed not only to get away with it, but to have survived any retaliation...... must have had help from Sumdood.....

  4. "As we approach Thanksgiving, we would better benefit from responsible firearms owners reminding the public of the importance of safe firearm storage," group executive director Kristen Comer said.

    Not a bad idea.

    Anybody got a link to a webpage of their endorsed products?


    Well, that's weird. It's almost like they'd rather just ban everything instead of educating us on how to safely store our firearms.

  5. I keep one on my hip. I figure it's as safe there as anyplace.

  6. Ma'am, your snark is surely the bestest I've ever encountered.

  7. Sad fact of the matter is that a special day for not driving into telephone poles would do Seattle drivers some significant good.

    They're bloody miserable out here. Lane discipline is very shoddy and most literally haven't even heard of the phrase "throttle control".

    It only rains 200 days per year here, but they still have problems dealing with it.


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