Monday, November 17, 2008

The funniest thing I've seen all day.

Only God can make a tree, but only Government could make a graffiti wall...

...and launch a criminal vandalism investigation when someone spraypaints graffiti thereon.


  1. Government's capacity for self parody is always amazing.

  2. Well, in the government's defense it really wasn't the approved, "diverse" sort of graffiti they were looking for.

    If the person who sprayed the message would have read the Terms and Conditions -they cover the back of the wall in superfine print - they would have clearly seen they were in violation.

  3. Somewhere in here is a "Life of Brian" graffiti joke ...

  4. If he gets caught and fined, he really needs to paint it again.

    "Come and see the violence inherent in the system!"

  5. Some graffiti is more equal than other graffiti.

  6. Reminds me - Univ. of North Texas [UNT] in Denton has a plaque in the ground by the student union designating a "free speech area," but it also notes in smaller print to contact the admin dept to schedule your free speech time.

    Uh. wha?
    Fetch me my drool cup, Jeeves.

    Then again, that univ. (like any other) is working overtime to avoid the appearance of anything remotely louche. When they changed the official name from NTSU to UNT, they wisely chose to keep the former order of the initials in the radio station call letters, KNTU.

  7. Link to the "Fail" blog...the comment string is hysterically funny. Best one so far:

    "In Communist China, you crime wall."

  8. Brought to you from the same fine folks who want to save your banks, your pensions, your health care, and your automobile industry from yourselves.

    No graffiti on the graffiti wall:

    "Gentlemen, no fighting in the war room!"

  9. Ah, jeez, I'm gonna need a bigger shovel...


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