Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Today In History: Drinking the Kool Aid.

Actually? It was Flavor Aid.


  1. God, yes, I bemember. I was JUST out of high school, and working my first full time gig.

    Damn, them were the days.To hell with Islam, Christians were killing one another off by the hundreds.

  2. Somehow, I have a hard time thinking of Jim Jones as a Christian.

    Tam -- you know his church was here in town for a while before he hared off to South America.

  3. The British "sweet pretty country acid house music" band A3 (formerly Alabama 3) has a song featuring Jim Jones clips, called "Mao Tse Tung Said."

    And if that don't jingle your spurs a little . . . .

  4. Couldn't agree more, Nate. The number of times I've tried to explain that things done "in the name of Christianity" are not necesarly Christian. Like the Inquisition. Or the witch trials. Or Jim Jones. Or the Methodist Church (Kidding. I'm KIDDING!!)


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