Sunday, November 16, 2008

Overheard in the Office:

RX: (reading Phlegmmy's blog) "Wow! Neat shoes!"

Me: "I need new shoes, too..." *click* *click* "Hey, these are cool! And they have Blood-Borne Pathogen Resistance!"

RX: "I like the ones at Phlegmmy's better."

Me: "Yeah, but are they resistant to blood-borne pathogens?"

RX: "I don't really spend all that much time wading through the blood of my enemies. At least, not any deeper than the soles of my shoes."

Me: "Okay, but come the Zombocalypse, if you get some kind of zombie foot funk, don't say I didn't warn you."


  1. LOLOL!

    The thing is... that scene plays *perfectly* in my mind....

  2. note to self: send Sofft customer service request for blood-borne pathogen resistant Tango shoes.

    You know, at $170, those boots look an excellent value to me, Tam.

  3. Rubber farm boots for keeping manure and Blood Borne Pathogen's out of one's socks and from between the toes.

  4. tam - you say the nicest things! :)

    word ver: lungrap

    those things have been so interesting lately!

  5. Hmmm...I agree with both Tam and RX. Both have their place!! (Brain visual of Phlegmfatale elegantly kicking zombie butt).

    wv: dingrazz

  6. Zombie foot funk. Hrmm.

    See, since there was an opportunity to get pathogen-resistant boots ahead of time, and you don't, can we call that Bungle Rot?

  7. Look me in the eye and tell me "Zombie Foot Funk" isn't an utterly kick-ass band name!

  8. "Zombie Foot Funk" sounds like a german band.

    word ver. firevi

    In a correctly aligned universe, Fire 6 should have gone to our local wheel gun heroine.

  9. I think I need both. Yes, absolutely.

  10. You know they're just the thing for kitten stomping.

  11. I usually refer to them as "door kickin' boots"...

  12. Is it even possible that women could be of the same species as me?

    I wonder this every time I reflect upon women's consideration of footgear.

    I come a little closer to Tamara's assessment of it, but I still see that it's a Gurrl perspective. :)

    Funny thing-- I read Phlegmmy's comment to Tam's [first] James Bond post, and mentioned Phlegmmy's adoration/obsession with shoes. My wife, who has met PhlegmFatale and thinks she's really cool, said "Oh, pooh. She's not that way."

    I said, "Oh, my. If you had only seen some of her posts of utter concupiscense about some shoes...."

  13. Those must be Fluevogs.

  14. Note that they are only bbp RESISTANT...

  15. Sounds like the wife and I comparing shotguns. I like to point out her Beretta Ureka sucks because of its lack of Bayonet lug!

    BTW I thought "Hypertext" were those goofy T-shirts that changed color with body heat from the 80s, not some sort of odd Mall-Ninja reinforcement for footwear....

  16. "The tactical sticky-rubber toe gives the urban boots a neat clean and professional look..."

    No, not the sticky-rubber toe...

  17. Note to Roberta X:

    Your room-mate wears combat boots!

  18. Note to Roberta X:

    Your room-mate wears combat boots!

  19. If you take the high ground, you don't have to wade in blood.

    Just sayin' ....

  20. I AM so getting the shoes LaP picked for me. And for Zombie butt kickin'...well I don't PLAN to get that close to them, shotgun range is close enough for me.
    HOWEVER, my lavender cowboy boots SHOULD suffice to wade through gore.


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